Archive for the ‘Vienna’ Category

Blog update

January 26, 2008

Right off the bat, allow me to apologize for the lack of updates to this blog. What started out as my launching pad into soccer journalism has evolved into a showcase for my work on, and the occasional informal mini-diatribe about global and local soccer.

Now, since my start at Revsnet, I’ve been trying to introduce some fresh flavors to this blog in the hopes of keeping it flavorful (that is, if journalism can actually entice a sense of taste upon one’s tastebuds). Therefore, what I’m going to do is, in addition to what I already do – articles and informal posts – I’m also going to open the floor to you, the readers. Each Monday morning, I’m going to pose a question or two for you to respond to. Whether it be a one-liner, or a well crafted essay belittling me for asking the question in the first place, I will post all answers, comments, and any accompanying questions.

In essence, I want this blog to evolve into a veritable online soccer cafe, if you will, of informal, yet insightful banter about soccer, much like the cafes in Vienna during the 1920s and 30s.

The best part: no registration, no fees, and no worries at all. Everyone is welcome, from newbies to soccer experts. I hope to make this a forum for free-flowing ideas and topics to which we can all banter, discuss, and question.

In fact, at some point, I would like to organize a regular meeting at a local cafe to continue the discussions live and unfiltered. Tentatively, I am looking at the Coffee Exchange in Providence to meet every week to talk some soccer. If you are at all interested in participating, feel free to e-mail me and I’ll arrange a regular date and time to get this little community together.

So, join me back here on Monday morning for our first series of questions.