Archive for the ‘Columbus Crew’ Category

Sunday Morning Striker: Hi-Liters make their mark, beat Revs, 3-2

October 18, 2007

If you happen to be reading this from a residence/semi-permanent location within New England, you’ve surely been inundated with advertising images of numerous pumpkin-themed products. Pumpkin pies, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin candles, pumpkin bagels, and even pumpkin-flavored lattes have been flashed before your eyes on TV and in-store signage.

Now, if you like these products, then you have much in common with Sunday Morning Striker. For SMS delights in many Autumn-related goodies and sights, which also happen to include pumpkin-themed foods, candles, drinks, and actual pumpkins! Companies like Dunkin Donuts exploit SMS’s appreciation for the pumpkin flavor by heavily promoting their Pumpkin lattes and muffins which you can combo up for a discounted price.

Like the brainwashed media gadfly he has become, SMS has unsurprisingly caved into the pumpkin craze and taken to a strict pre-match regiment of a Dunkin pumpkin muffin and pumpkin spice coffee for RIC Anchorwomen games. After all, with free admission and the lack of big guys in florescent orange jackets telling you that you’ve got to part with the beverage in your hand prior to entering, SMS takes advantage by brining in his delightful fall-themed fare. (Note: SMS realizes that RIC would rather have you purchase food at the concession, to which he does at halftime for the ubiquitous soft drink/coffee and hot dog. But in spite of free admission and no strict food or beverage policies, SMS contributes to the alumni fund to keep this good thing going.)

Yet, it seems as if every fall, there is another pumpkin-based product out there to pull a few extra Washingtons out of the wallet. I mean, c’mon: pumpkin lattes? Great idea, but you’ve got to admit, it’s becoming a bit much. Of course, there can never truly be enough pumpkin themed foods in your author’s humble opinion, as SMS awaits the day where he can purchase pumpkin soda, pumpkin sushi, and pumpkin cereal. Mmmmmmm…

And to take the fall weather a step further, how fantastic is it to watch soccer with a backdrop of fiery reds, oranges and yellow leaved maples and oaks? SMS used to think, prior to his awakening, that football was the ideal fall spectator sport. While this is true to a point, absolutely nothing beats fall soccer at the alma mater.

Speaking of pumpkins, SMS hopes that the Revolution buggy doesn’t turn into one once the clock strikes midnight on the regular season. So far, they’ve played to a 2-2-2 record since September 9th, which is hardly encouraging since their competition in that span (with the exception of DC United) all had worse records than the Revs. Two more muffins remain on the schedule; it would seem to be prime pickings for a playoff bound team to gather some steam going into the playoffs.

In related news, the Revs hosted the pumpkin muffin Crew (7-11-10) on Saturday night. Recent history tells us that if the previous to matches are indicative of anything, it’s that the Revs back line will cough up a late-equalizer, thus knotting one of the best clubs in MLS against one of the worst.

Anyway, at 7:38pm ET, the Revs trotted onto the pitch in a 4-4-2, with midfielder Steve Ralston dropping to the back and Andy Dorman relegated to the cool air surrounding the Revolution bench. The Hi-Liters (a.k.a. the Crew, for their…heck, if you don’t know why they’re called the Hi-Liters, then maybe you shouldn’t be reading this) commenced the match in gleeful fashion as they passed the ball about for the early-evening entertainment.

By the tenth minute, the Revolution had grown weary of the Columbus passing clinic and jump started an assault. Khano Smith delivered a cross that just missed its connection with an oncoming Steve Ralston having been beaten to the ball by Columbus keeper Will Hesmer.
Shortly thereafter, the Crew sprung to life with a threat in the 16th minute, after they were awarded a free kick just beyond the D. Tim Ward fired a rising laser that rose just over the bar and out of the danger.

However, the Revs found the scoreboard first in the 26th minute when Ralston launched a corner directly to the noggin of a well-positioned Taylor Twellman, who sprung from Hesmer’s welcome mat and glanced the ball into the net.

The lukewarm Columbus attack managed to press into Revolution territory in the 33rd minute, when Eddie Gaven put a ball right toward Matt Reis before the keeper cradled it. Thus concluded the one of the few abrupt, yet harmless Crew mini-me attacks.

In the final minutes of the half, Columbus continued their short sojourns toward Reis and came back yet again in the 42nd minute, as Robbie Rogers whipped a threatening cross that the red-kitted keeper adeptly extinguished, as the Crew trudged back upfield yet again without finding the back of the net.

During halftime, SMS refreshed himself with a double fist of coffee and diet Pepsi, as the official friends of SMS were frantically texting him with such tempting messages as “hot chicks at the bar…meet us there in five.” Readers, SMS bypassed another evening of beautiful females and interdisciplinary banter among his blokes about anthropology, women’s studies, and sports to deliver this extremely-biased match report!

As Half Two kicked off, the Crew inserted their Argentinean striker, Guillermo Barros Schellotto, in an attempt to ignite their stale attack. The move paid immediate dividends, and the Columbus had its pedal back to the metal early on in the second half.

Anywho, with the Hi-Liters dominating possession, the Revs tried to answer back with a quick attack in the 55th minute, but Young Wells Thompson was caught well offside. Shortly thereafter, Pat Noonan raced toward goal before giving it up to strike partner Twellman, who guided a rocket just wide of the far post in the 57th minute.

The Crew finally put on their hard hats (SMS couldn’t resist) and jackhammered through the Revs backs when Schellotto harnessed the ball in the box, and fed it forward to Robbie Rogers, who initially flicked the ball off the right post. Unluckily, the deflection went right back into the box, and Gavin cleaned it up with an easy-as-pumpkin-pie goal in the 61st minute.

The Revs backs had their hands full yet again in the 77th minute, when Gaven raced down the left channel, and caught up to the ball just before the ball passed the byline. The midfielder then took the motionless ball right on the line, looked up, and beautifully delivered the ball to teammate Stefani Miglioranzi, who raced toward goal and easily pushed the ball past the defenseless Reis for the go-ahead goal.

Shortly thereafter, Nicol made a late-match substitution as he inserted Andy Dorman for Thompson to try and revitalize the stale Revolution attack in the 82nd minute. Amazingly, it worked – though indirectly – as Ralston took the ball, and initiated a little give and go to Shalrie Joseph inside the box, then quickly took the return pass and nailed it home toward the far post in the 83rd minute.

But the joy from the equalizer didn’t last. Schellotto, the bane of the Revs back throughout the second half, strolled past the halfway line, took the ball from 25 yards out, turned his defender, and fired a groundhog through yards of open real estate that just escaped the paws of Reis into the left post in the 86th minute.

Allotted four minutes of stoppage to send the crowd home happy, the Revs tried to form a late attack. The opportunity came from a free kick awarded just inside the D, as Ralston and Larentowicz stood before the ball. Then, Larentowicz stepped up and fired a curler that died on impact at the Crew wall, as the Revolution faded quietly into the cool New England night, giving up a sour 3-2 loss to the Crew.

Stat of the Match, Part 1: The last time the Revs beat Columbus was during last season’s final regular season match, winning a 1-0.

Stat of the Match, Part 2: For the third consecutive game this season, the Crew tallied a goal at 85th minute or later goal against the Revs.

Stat of the Match, Part 3: The sixth-place Crew has now scored three goals against the Revs twice this season. The only other club to record three or more goals twice against the Revs this season is first-place DC United (3-0 on 8/5, and 4-2 on 9/2).

Stat of the Match, Part 4: Since clinching a playoff berth on September 15th, the Revs are 1-2-1 in MLS action.

Stat of the Match, Part 5: After coming in as a 2nd half sub, Guillermo Barros Schellotto took only one shot on goal – the game-winner in the 86th minute.

THREEPENNY ANALYSIS: The Revs looked good early, despite intermittent Columbus attacks, and looked poised to impose their will going into the second half up 1-0. But when Schellotto entered the match in the second half, the momentum slid toward the Crew, as the Argentinean became the offensive catalyst that the guests had lacked in the first frame.

The Revs struggled to contain Schellotto, and the striker showed no mercy, as exemplified by his amazing 86th minute game-winner in which he simply took James Riley to school on, and then fired a missile that lodged itself into the left corner of the net. The Revs just could not find answer to his artistry, and just failed to spark anything offense thereafter.

Once again, the Revs failed to wrap up what should have been at least one point against a much lesser squad.

Random soccer-related thought: After scoring his 90th career MLS goal Saturday night, SMS strongly feels that there should be some sort of club-sponsored countdown banner devoted to Taylor Twellman’s march to 100 goals.

Trick or treat! The Gillette Stadium pitch came to the match disguised as a football field.

Sunday Morning Striker End of Season Award announcement: Prior to the match, the team trophies were handed to the club’s top performers. In recognition of this event, SMS has created his own award: “Most Improved Player since an SMS bashing.”

All season, SMS harped on a certain left-sided midfielder who’s more known for his wild crosses and shot than his curiously-stylish “brohawk” hairdo. A gentleman who, to his credit, kept at it, and actually put together a nice streak of well-played matches down the stretch. The man who nearly put a Rodney Harrison hit on Jay Heaps after scoring his first goal of the season against FC Dallas.

So without further ado, the winner of this year’s award goes to…Khano Smith!

SMS Alma Mater update: The Anchorwomen began the week on a rough note, with a heartbreaking 1-0 double-overtime loss to Roger Williams University on Columbus Day Monday. Freshman keeper Maddie Pirri did well to keep RWU off the board until Hawks forward Amanda daCunha spoiled the clean sheet performance in the 104th minute.

RIC then traveled to Bridgewater State College and dropped a tough 3-2 loss on the road. Brittney Godbout and Kerry Donahue trallied a goal apiece in the losing effort, as the maroon and gold came up a goal short.

Finally, the victory that eluded them all week was finally achieved on Saturday afternoon at the RIC Soccer Field, where Donahue and Krista MacKinnon scored the fist two goals against Plymouth State University. But PSU answered with a pair of its own in the second half, knotting the score at two, and sending the match to OT. But Abby Hummel ended the OT on her own account, with a wicked shot that lodged itself into the far corner for the much-deserved 3-2 win.

US Women’s Nation Team feature: The WNT saw its first action since the World Cup on Saturday night as for the first of three consecutive matches against Mexico. Unfortunately, the match was not televised live from Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis, and with the Revs-Crew match starting at half an hour prior to US-Mexico, SMS was relegated to following via MatchTracker during half time at Gillette. Luckily, our women thumped their Mexican counterparts 5-1, after initially going down 0-1 in the sixth minute.

SMS really doesn’t want to go there, but he will: The whole Hope Solo controversy, which has been skewered, stewed, baked, fried, boiled, broiled, grilled and roasted by the media, has led SMS to conclude that there really is no such thing as bad publicity. Don’t believe SMS? Go ahead – try to order a Hope Solo jersey from

Join us again after the regular season finale against Toronto FC, where SMS will revisit his pre-season predictions, and comment on how close he was to predicting the exact record of the Revs this season, among other prognostications. Want a good laugh? Just see how far off he was in his prediction of the first Revolution player departure!

Sunday Morning Striker: Those Darn Highlighters!

June 18, 2007

You may be wondering: Sunday Morning Striker appearing on a Sunday evening? Well, in these parts, we celebrate a little holiday called Father’s Day, and SMS was very busy between locating a suitable present for the Official Father of SMS this very morning and early afternoon.

Anyway there was not one, not two, or even three, but four matches this weekend to which SMS found his figurative hands full with. Alas, SMS maintains that the only thing better than soccer is more soccer, and thus this weekend will go down as one of the best in the annals of SMS history.
While SMS thoroughly enjoyed watching the US MNT in their quest for the Gold Cup championship, SMS’s primary blood chamber belongs solely to the hometown Revolution. US MNT is like the hot chick that stops into town every so often, parties all hours and makes out with you and your friends after playing seven rounds of beer pong. And while she is no doubt the dame that your friends and colleagues whistle at while she walks down the street, the Revolution is the apple of your eye, your main squeeze, and remains loyal to you, despite her friends objections when you’re out with US MNT during the ungodly hours of the night.

In an attempt to pick apart the weak and pocket three points, the Revs kicked off their second consecutive match versus an MLS bottom feeder. Last match, it was Real Salt Lake, Western Conference cellar dwellers, which ended in a rather disappointing 0-0 draw that featured more scoring chances snuffed out than a Jason Biggs movie marathon. This weekend, it was Columbus, with their whopping one win and eight points sitting at the basement of the Eastern Conference table.

The Revs kicked off the first half controlling the ball early, while SMS took in the first half in a rarely-opened east end zone seating section. As the Revs attacked the opposite end, SMS sat among the people, complete with broken peanut shells, popped thunder sticks, and half-empty popcorn buckets scattered among the ground. But enough with atmosphere – there was an exciting match taking place!

Super rookie Wells Thompson took the right flank spot of US MNT dabbler Steve Ralston, and flashed impressive Ralston-like vision early on when he continually infiltrated the C-bus box, testing Crew keeper Will Hesmer with some tricky moves.

Unfortunately, for all the flair exhibited in the Columbus end of the pitch, the Highlighters (see below for the reference) smashed through the Revs back line when Robbie Rogers slalomed through a flat-footed defense and broke in on Matt Reis mano-a-mano before depositing the ball in the back of the net in the 9th minute, giving the cellar dwellers the early lead. Eastern Conference basement 1, Revs 0.

The Revs struck back minutes later when Adam Cristman sped down the right flank before cutting the angle toward goal and blasted a shot past Hesmer to equalize in the 13th minute. Revs 1, EC basement 1.

Both clubs backlines upheld a certain zombie-like appearance, with numerous balls escaping both defensive units with alarming regularity. The absence of center back Michael Parkhurst (serving US MNT duty) was apparent, as the home side took on the appearance of a Lindsay Lohan Saturday night – unbalanced, incoherent, and at times, all over the place.

The Revs offense bailed out their defensive cohorts in the 17th minute, when Pat Noonan traipsed into the C-bus box and teed off on a left-footed shot that escaped the clutches of Hesmer for the one goal lead before the 20-minute mark. Revs 2, Eastern Conference Basement 1.
For the next handful of minutes, both teams traded offensive chances like stocks of Google, and to counter the offensive energy, the fans in section 132 attempted to implore their squad to score by attempting to start “the Wave.” The home side took notice, as Adam Cristman struck again in the 32nd minute off of a beautiful ball delivered to him by Pat Noonan, giving the home side the dangerous two-goal lead as the sun began to set behind the Gillette Stadium upper deck. Revs 3, Eastern Conference Basement 1.

Looking to secure the two-goal lead prior to the curtains drawing on the first act, the Revs tried to hunker down on the defense. The highlighters failed to get the memo by the time stoppage time commenced, when Guillermo Barros Schelloto took a pass at the top of the Revolution box and sent the ball past Reis for the goal number two for the bottom feeders, closing the gap for the Crew to a one-goal deficit. Revs 3, EC basement 2.

The Crew kicked off the second half looking to carry the momentum created by the last-minute goal in the first frame. However, the Revolution deflated the Crew attack in the 52nd minute when Noonan back-heeled a gorgeous ball to his partner in crime Cristman before the former Cavalier rocketed a shot that was deflected away by diving Hesmer, keeping the Revs attack at bay.

Midway through the second half, Reis became tested by a series of shots that found their way through the sleepwalking navy blue backline. The bald brick wall was temporarily able to keep the equalizer off the score sheet as play began to get chippy between the Eastern conference rivals.

Despite Reis’ admirable patrol of net, the fact of the matter is that he is only one man. That became glaringly apparent when the visitors dissected the Revolution back line in the 85th minute as the ball hazardously exchanged C-bus feet before Alejandro Moreno authored the equalizer onto post-match scoring sheet. Revs 3, Eastern Conference Basement 3.

The fourth official added three minutes of stoppage to the match, but it was not nearly enough time for either side to manage the go-ahead goal, as the match ended in a three goal tie, and more importantly, robbing the home squad of two crucial points for the second match in a row.

Stat of the Match Part 1: After jump starting to a 5-1-2 start, the Revs have now gone 0-1-2 in their last three matches. Coincidentally, the Revs have not claimed victory on the temporary grass surface installed for international matches back in late-May.

Stat of the Match Part 2: Saturday’s match marked the first time that SMS saw Shalrie Joseph hard tackle an opponent without drawing a card. Ivan Gazdis must have been watching reruns of The OC while it took place.

Stat of the Match Part 3: Cristman became the second Revs player to have a multi-goal match this season, with Taylor Twellman already having recorded two multi-goal games this year.

Stat of the Match Part 4: For the second time this year, the Revs and Crew tied on a late C-bus goal with less than five minutes remaining.

Stat of the Match Part 5: For the first time this year, Steve Nicol kept his entire substitution corps on the bench, as every member of the Revs’ starting XI remained intact to form the finishing XI.

Random thought of the Match: You cannot help but utter Shalrie Joseph’s first name without a bit of a British twinge.

Nickname for the Crew: SMS has decided that the C-bus boys will now be referred to as “the Highlighters”, due to their bright yellow kits.

The AND1 “OH BAY-BEE!” Play of the Match: Anyone familiar with the AND1 Mixtape Tour knows that when Hot Sauce or The Professor do it real good on the hardwood, the announcer exclaims “OH BAY-BEE!” That being said (or rather shouted with much glee), the former Sweet Play of the Match has turned into the “OH BAY-BEE!” Play of the Match. With our first installment of the newly-christened honor, Andy Dorman took the ball in the 38th minute and absolutely faked out two Crew defenders to the pitch before (you guessed it) he passed into the box. Although the sequence didn’t lead to a score, SMS was sure that he saw some youngins’ wave their XXXL tees in the air at the display.

Neon boots crossover item: Although not match-related, the US MNT front line of Taylor Twellman and Clint Dempsey both sported neon boots; Twellman’s were of the neon yellow variety, while Deuce’s were construction sign orange.

No passion for soccer in the US? SMS traveled down to the concourse during the break between the Canada-Guatemala match, and was absolutely amazed at the level of excitement the match brought. SMS counted two large groups of Guatemalan fans jumping up and down in a circle, banging drums and chanting “OLE OLE OLE OLE” amid a bevy of fans walking through the concourse. At first glance, one would think that such a flamboyant celebration would cause a troubling raucous. It was the exact opposite: people walked by smiling, amused at the rowdy, yet good-natured display of enthusiasm exhibited by the Guatemalans. No passion for soccer in the US? Yeah, right.

For an excellent observation contrasting the Central American crowd vs. the Revolution crowd, check out Jim Dow’s recent article, “Some Observations Made In The Midst of A Summer Solstice Feast of Football” for an excellent view on the striking differences between two very different types of fans.

Obligatory competitive eating item: With summer basically here, the annual Nathan’s Famous Fourth of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest less than a month away, SMS was surprised to learn that Takeru “the Tsunami” Kobayashi’s world record of 53 and 3/4 hot dogs was recently shattered three weekends ago by Joey Chestnut, who consumed 59 and 1/2 hot dogs during the Southwest Regional Qualifier for this year’s national championship.

Kobayashi, currently ranked number one in International Federation of Competitive Eating, has claim victory at said contest every year since his debut in 2001. Could this be the year that Chestnut dethrones the Japanese champion? SMS will track the proceedings. So why does SMS write about competitive eating on a soccer site? Because he can.

Revs Reserves Update: SMS took in the Revs-Crew reserve match Sunday morning, and he continues to be impressed by this year’s young understudies, as the youngins claimed a 2-1 victory over their C-bus counterparts. Miguel Hernandez and Amaechi Igwe both scored, while Kyle Helton, Arsene Oka and Bryan Byrne all performed particularly well. Revs fans, be aware that if this year’s performance of the reserve team (4-2-0, 12pts.) is any indication of what’s in store for the next two to three seasons, the future looks bright.

Rhode Island Stingrays Update: The Rays fell to Albany on Friday night 2-1, as former Toronto FC SuperDraftee Jeff Gonsalves scored the lone goal for RI, while keeper Josh Ford stopped four shots. Mario Pereira’s boys face a formidable task on Saturday night, when they face perennial PDL powerhouse, the Cape Cod Crusaders, at Pierce Field.

US Women’s National Team Feature: She may look sweet and innocent in her press photo, but when she’s on the pitch, you’re gonna need some serious skills and lots of luck if you hope to pocket three points – the squad hasn’t lost with her on the field since 2003. In addition to being a club stalwart, the former Tar Heel graduated with a 3.65 GPA- which means she’s probably a lot smarter than you. Unfortunately, O’Reilly is a Yankee fan, but can be somewhat forgiven since her favorite movie is “The Shawshank Redemption” – a personal favorite of SMS – which was based on a book authored by noted Red Sox fan Stephen King.

Finally, on this Father’s Day, SMS would like to wish a Happy Father’s Day to his dear old dad. Interestingly, SMS was born on Father’s Day back in 1981, and would like to thank his dad for putting up with years of incessant sports talk, picky eating habits, and never-ending debates on politics and current events. Of course, it should be noted that SMS acquired the writing gene from Dad; so in all non-sarcastic seriousness, thank you for everything Dad!