Archive for the ‘Patriots’ Category

The Thursday Rant

January 31, 2008

Let me just say that my ego’s taken a beating now that I’m back in school. Sadly, I’ve come to the realization that I’m not the writer I thought I was. In commemoration of said realization – here’s some more mediocre writing for the masses.

*So by now, you may have seen the new 08-09 US Men’s National Team jerseys. My first impression: unbelievably bland. They resemble about half of the polo shirts I wore in college, which, may or may not speak well to my fashion sense. What can I say? Aeropostale polos are not only reasonably priced, but fit extremely well. I’ll withold judgment until I see them on the pitch against Mexico, but my initial feeling has me yawning.

*Speaking of jerseys, based on some pics of DC United preseason pressers, it looks as if this MLS will go with different number fonts for different tournaments, much like they do in European football. It appears based on the photo, that, without the MLS logo on the bottom of the numbers, it may be a font reserved for an extracirricular tournament like CONCACAF Champions League, US Open Cup and/or SuperLiga. Until something is confirmed, I suppose we’ll have to wait and see.

*Lastly, my office is celebrating the Patriots Super Bowl run by allowing all of us workers to wear Patriots regalia on Friday. As the current owner of at least 50 Patriots jerseys, I have no problem sporting a Patriots jersey.

But, here’s what gets me: where was the similiar celebration for when the Revolution made it to MLS Cup the past three seasons? Huh? Revolution day at the office the Friday before MLS Cup? Nope. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. I was limited to hanging my Steve Ralston jersey outside my cube, but was not given the greenlight wear it around the office. Of course, as one of maybe three soccer fans in the office, this was to be largely expected.

So here’s how I aim to take matters into my own hands: I will wear my long-sleeeved throwback Patriots jersey for the morning, and then switch over to my Felix Brillant Revs jersey for the afternoon. We’ll see if anyone notices…or if anyone cares. I’ll report back on this endeavor during the weekend.