Archive for the ‘Abby Wambach’ Category

US WNT claims Algarve Cup (again), beats Denmark 2-1

March 12, 2008

VILA REAL DE SAN ANTONIO, Portugal – The US Women’s National Team captured their second consecutive Algarve Cup title when defeated Denmark 2-1 today at Municipal Stadium.

The clubs approached the 50th minute on level terms until Abby Wambach and Natasha Kai collaborated on a nice one-two pass that Wambach chipped in for the go-ahead goal. Hope Solo kept the US net unoccupied for the remainder of the match en route to their fourth consecutive victory in the tournament.

Kai kicked off the scoring the 14th minute when she took a cross from Carli Lloyd, and powered it past the Denmark keeper.

But Denmark answered back nearly fifteen minutes later when Catherine Sorenson headed the equalizer past Solo, thus knotting the clubs an one apiece. The goal was the first scored upon the Americans during the entire tournament after Solo and Nicole Barnhart kept the sheet clean in Portugal for 301 consecutive minutes.

Any hopes that Denmark could knock the defending champions off their throne were for ultimate squashed when Wambach’s 50th minute shot on goal crossed the goal line and rested in the left corner of the net.

With the their successful defense of the Algarve Cup, the US Women have now claimed five of the last six Algarve Cup championships (2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008).

2007 FIFA Women’s World Cup Running Diary: US 2, Sweden, 0

September 14, 2007

Yes, I have returned in full bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for this second early-morning World Cup match with a little more sleep this time around.

But before I get started, I wanted to inform you of a troubling mini-sequence of ominous events that unfolded Monday morning, less than 24 hours before the proceedings in China.

Exhibit A: Only a few short hours before dawn, I was awakened to the sound of something crashing near me in my bedroom. I jumped to see what it was, but due to overall lethargy, I quickly dismissed it and went back to bed.

In the morning, I discovered the mystery: my 2007 US Women’s National Team calendar had fallen to the floor after the nail that supported it failed.

Exhibit B: Minutes after replacing the nail and putting the calendar back up, I was sitting at the computer, munching away at my Honey Nut Cheerios. Then, I heard muffled gagging about ten yards behind me. What was it?

It was my cat, Penelope, coughing up a hairball…on my laptop. The same laptop I would use to diary the WNT match the next morning.

So there’s the background of a little sinking feeling I had prior to Tuesday’s match.


3rd minute: Sweden attacking early. Three corner kicks in three minutes for Sweden already. At this rate, they will record an astonishing 90+ corner kicks, which would probably be some sort of World Cup (Men’s or Women’s) record. The US is already being outplayed, to say the least.

Side note 1: Lineup changes from last game – Tarpley for O’Reilly, and Osborne for Boxx. Also a different formation. Today it’s a 4-3-3 rather than a 3-4-3. Oh, and it’s not pouring outside this time.

Side note 2: Eyes don’t sting as much, although it is 5:01am ET and I am wearing a women’s jersey….a Carli Lloyd US Women’s National Team jersey! Make a long-storu short from my previous diary, the online storefront that botched my order apparently got it right, and the jersey arrived late-Tuesday. This is a good omen.

4th minute: Fourth corner for Sweden already. C’mon (U.S.) Ladies!

6th minute: Sweden is playing a 4-4-2. It should also be noted that they are a cuter team than North Korea – which may play to our advantage.

6th Minute: “Jingle bells” melody being overheard in the background? What? It’s not Christmas yet!

7th Minute: US threatens when my jersey’s namesake – Carli Lloyd – flicks a shot on the doorstep of the goal and takes out Swedish keeper Hedvig Lindhal. Carli – you’re my girl!

6:08am ET: Still dark outside. No oatmeal this time for yours truly. In order to avoid any sort of jinx from last match, I’m going with Apple Crunchies, the generic brand of Apple Jacks that can be found at Target for $1.67 a box.

10th minute: Julie Foudy states that US playing very vertical (aka Route 1 ball). I concur

12TH minute: Stat box indicates that the US has never had 2-game winless streak in World Cup play. Almost on cue, the US pressures, but no shots unleashed. Now the banter begins of the US not advancing past group play…wow, this is new.

13Th minute: Christie Rampone snuffs out a quick Swedish attack. She’s quietly having a very good World Cup.

14th minute: Shot of Hope Solo just about to clear out the ball. Nice shot of Solo, who, as previously mentioned, is a cutie.

15th minute: Free kick awarded for US from 10 yards before the box. Good chance here. The US is deadly on free kicks. Lloyd blasts a shot through off the wall that deflects through, but is ultimately corralled by Lindhal.

16th minute: Swedish applying heavy pressure, keeping Stephanie Lopez and Co. on their heels. Another corner for Sweden…Abby heads out the clearance. FEWF! This is not the US Team that I know.

Side note: My sleeping patterns this week are taking an absolute beating. My poor stinging eyes!

19th minute: Although the possession line favors USA 51-49%, the stat is misleading: Sweden’s possessions are deep in the US end.

20th minute: Cat Whitehill’s free kick from deep almost catches Lindhal ff-guard before the ball’s punched out of the box. Close!

21st minute: Left-footed laser from Kristie Lilly, and finally, some prolonged pressure on the Sweden back line. Now this is the US team I know of!

23rd minute: US finally plays a corner short, something that they’ve been good at. Though the ensuing shot goes high and wide, it’s encouraging to see the attempt even made. Julie Foudy agrees that this was a good idea. See – I can be soccer savvy too!

24th minute: Greg Ryan seen applauding his team, shouting encouragement. Bobby Knight he is not, thank God.

25th minute: Shot of Carli trotting back on defense. She needs to be a factor in this game, with her deadly “lasers” from deep.

Side note: THUMP! Newspaper cleared for landing on my front porch. Actually startled me a bit after being engrossed in the game…and the fact that everyone’s still asleep and I’m the only soul awake at the moment in my house. (5:26am ET)

26th minute: Rampone’s motor is definitely clicking on all cylinders, relentless chasing down her mark. Good job Christie!

27th minute: Leslie Osborne almost single-handedly snuffs out a threatening Swedish attack.

29th minute: Wooosh!!!! Chalupney with a rocket! Stopped, but a ROCKET! Not overweight Fat Billy of the New York Yankees, but a ROCKET!

29th minute: Wow, the rabbit-quick Victoria Svensson shot flies just over the bar. Man, it can turn just like that.

Side note: ESPN Bottom line indicates that USC is still ranked number 1. Yeah, that’s right. Contrary to popular belief amongst my friends, I am not a fan of ‘SC just because of their nickname. (Go Trojans – FIGHT ON)

30th minute: Whoa…Foudy almost made a ’99 reference when she said that this team isn’t as possession oriented as teams in the past. Close, Jules, close. I know you wanted to say “as possession-oriented the ‘99 team.” Almost caught ya there.

32nd minute: Swedish free kick from 12 yards before box…dangerous play here…5-player wall. Svenson takes the kick…and it’s high and wide. JP should call every soccer game. He should clone himself and have his spawn do every soccer game ever played by every US-based club. Except the Revolution. I like Brad and Greg, but then again, I’m biased.

33rd minute: Ohhhhhh…Chalupny pounces on a ball misjudged by Lindhal and falls to the ground courtesy of #4 in the Swedish area. PK…PK????? PK!!!! PK!!! YES!!! Woooo-Hooo!!!!

34th minute: PK by Abby…lines it up…whistle…and sends Lindhal the wrong way!!!! YESSSS!!!! Abby’s shot is somewhat badly-struck, but effective nonetheless. 1-0 USA. (5:34AM ET)

Side note: I’m crazy for waking this early and dairying a sports event at 5am on a workday. I won’t dispute this now, but may do so later in the day when after the effects of my fifth coffee of the morning finally wears off.

37th minute: Lindhal tested yet again, with Abby bearing down on a ball en route to the box.

39th minute: Lloyd winds up a shot that deflects off of Lilly that brings Lundhal to her side to stop the wayward ball.

Commentary: Game is clearly not even close to the game played against North Korea. US is really beginning to establish the attack, and finally putting its opponents on their heels.

43rd minute: US starting to dominate possession.

Stat line: Possession now 54%-US, 46% Sweden.

Side note: It’s 6:45am ET – I’m debating whether to hit the gym or to go back to bed before I have to be at work at 8:30pm. I think bed is sounding a lot better at this point.

45th minute: One minute of stoppage added. US playing the ball well. Bodes well for the second half (I’m not trying to jinx the US women, I swear!)

HALFTIME! Times to see what’s in the cereal cabinet. And visit the restroom.

Side note: Back, after letting the cat in, and munching on Apple Crunchies.

46th minute: 6:02am ET. C’mon ladies…44 minutes from three points…

Stat line: The US is 15-0-1 when leading at the half during World Cup play. Another good omen?

49th minute: Lilly makes a nice run to the post and chips the ball just wide. US looking much better this game than they did last match. They are out shooting Sweden 10-4.

Side note: 6:07am ET. Sun starting to up, as daybreak begins to cast shadows in the dining room

52nd minute: The tempo begins to slow. Free kick for Sweden…and the US clears the ball. Crap! Forgot to start re-recording for the second half! Damn!

56th minute: Another free kick for Sweden about 12 yards from the box. Sweden has players line up and Sjorgan takes the kick…and is snatched by Hope Solo.

57th minute: Ensuing Swedish corner, ball loops toward the far post as Hope snatches the header off of Segerstrong.

58th minute: OH!!! Abby races into the box, one touch, and blasts it into the back of the NET!!!! JUST LIKE THAT! WOOO-NICE!!! 2-0, US. Beautiful goal, Abby!

60th minute: US pressuring the Swedish backs again, corner from Lopez coming up.

61ST minute: Lopez’s corner goes into the heart of the box, but Abby just misses in search of her third goal of the match.

63rd minute: Lilly plays the ball from the left wing and sends sharply it to Tarpley. Tarpley then takes an acute-angled shot that sails wide of the far post. US is definitely playing with much more confidence than on Tuesday, but I’m wary of the oh-so-feared two-goal lead.

67th minute: Subs…Heather O’Reilly for Tarpley at 6:23am ET.

68th minute: First reference by Jules to the ‘99 team. I knew I could count on ya, Jules!

70th minute: Lindhal makes an awkward punch at a high ball that takes a weird deflection. Yawwwwn! Boy, do I need a coffee if I’m going to the gym after this. Probability of heading to the gym after this: almost zero. My eyes are stinging almost as much as they were during the MTV Music Video Awards opening act.

74th minute: Sweden pressuring before hope snatches the ball. Less face time for Hope. I suppose that’s good for US, but bad for my throbbing eyes. She has become my second favorite US WNT player.

76th minute: Sweden really lacking a sense of urgency to get a goal. Don’t they know that they’re down 0-2?

77: Swedish free kick flirts with the far post, but goes wide past a gaggle of players.

79: Svenson left foots a shot that is left-pawed by Hope as the ball skips off the bar right after. Sweden is really starting to attack late.

82nd minute: Sweden attacking again, though merely launching the ball into the US end without any type of organization.

83rd minute: Oooooooh Lundin beats Whitehill I nthe box before Lopez comes into clear the ball away…fewf…

85TH minute: Lilly takes a corner. Ball bounces back out…another corner for US. US, of course, taking their sweet time on these set pieces.

86th minute: Lopez corner taken, rebound comes close to goal, but temporarily cleared away. US comes right back when O’Reilly fires a shot on goal.

88th minute: Two minutes until three points. This game is much MUCH less dramatic than North Korea – which is FINE by me. I won’t complain about two-goal lead.

89th minute: Hope smothers a dangerous ball a few yards from her line. Lands on her shoulder, to which Foudy and Dellacamera are both hinting may be injured. Man, I HOPE not. Not Hope. She’s too good. Ugh, it’s still early for that one…coffee?

90th minute: Three minutes of stoppage added. Yeah, I’m definitely not going to the gym after this. My bed is calling me.

93+ minute: US now toying with Sweden, just passing the ball amongst each other. Sweden can’t assemble an attack. Solo picks up a bouncing ball, launches it, and the final whistle blows at 6:51am ET. I’m not sticking around for the post-match stuff -my eyes feel like someone doused them with V8.

2-0 US…WOOOO–HOOOO….A win for our women, and it’s back to bed for me. I have work in an hour and a half. The gym can definitely wait.

2007 FIFA Women’s World Cup Running Diary: US 2, North Korea 2

September 11, 2007

Welcome to my not-so-live Women’s World Cup blog. Ok, so let’s call it a diary instead. Here I will chronicle to the best of my abilities the US Women’s National Team’s journey in China to capture their third World Cup…from my living room couch. Anyway, here go…

Barely slept last night, and tried to figure out why. After all, I took sedatives to quell my excitement for this match, and also to get enough sleep to wake up at 5:00am. I figured out the culprit: my contacts were left in. ARGH!

Anyway, I “woke up” (technical term)/got out of bed (reality) at 5:05am ET. I’ve got a bowl of uncooked oatmeal waiting in the kitchen, but can’t cook it now because my stinging eyes are fixated on the tube.

First Mia Hamm reference by Julie Foudy at the 14:55 mark in the game. Actually, I probably missed the first at the top of the hour. I’m sure of this.

Foudy, 16th minute: “She (Kristine Lilly) was detained by North Korea.” What? Isn’t it too early in the day for political connotations? I know it’s 5pm in China, but Julie, my poli sci mind wasn’t prepared for that one. Yaaaaawn!

5:20am ET: I’m just trying to catch up a bit here. My mind is definitely not processing at its optimal speed at the moment.

The game’s surprisingly still dead even at 0-0 at the 18th minute mark. I guess the mystery surrounding North Korea is living up to its billing. The US usually figures out their opponents quite quickly. Kudos to Graham Hayes (who actually reported on this very topic) on his fantastic WNT reports on

Side note: I’d be wearing my Carli Lloyd white WC jersey right now, but the online store I purchased it from sent it to me marked up. I asked for a direct exchange, and instead, they refunded me minus shipping. I knew after that, I wouldn’t get it back in time for the WC. Imbeciles.

O’Reilly nice shot to fight off defender and fires a sharp angled shot in 19th minute. Unfortunately, it was batted away.

Foudy impressed with North Korea at the 20th minute.

Yay! First Carli Lloyd sighting in the 21st minute as she was unceremoniously fouled near the halfway line.

Sun Hui Ho now coming out in 22nd minute after being injured minutes previous.

Wow, that rain is really coming down, and it nearly played to US advantage with Cat Whitehill’s free kick nearly finding the back of the net in the 22nd minute. The ball is really skipping off the wet surface a lot.

25th minute: Foudy and Dellacamera discussing that Hope Solo was a forward in high school, which is why she’s so good with the ball at her feet. I didn’t know that! (Big surprise, I know)

26th minute: Un Suk Ri takes a very, very threatening shot that skips just wide of a diving Solo. In a related note, my heart skips as well before shot rests outside of the net.

Another threatening free kick in the 28th by the WNT. Corner kick by Lopez marinates in the box for bit, but does not find the back of the net.

Oooooohhhh….29th minute, Solo dropped the ball after an initial quick save…this rain is really causing havoc on both keepers in this match.

Non-soccer related side note: Looking at my fantasy football statline on the espn2 bottom line. McGahee and Gore did not do well enough for me to win in either one of my leagues…grrrrr….anyway, back to football football.

32nd Minute: WNT still searching for a prolonged attack after just a few cameos in the North Korean end. It won’t be long before they get through though.

35th minute: A little bit of banter between Foudy and Dellacemera talking about WNT’s draw in the Group of Death. Though the US is ranked #1, Sweden is #3, North Korea is #5, and Nigeria is #23. Perhaps death to a lesser side…but not the U.S..

Nice sequence in 37th after Lilly tries to push the ball past the North Korean keeper after shaking a defender.

By the 39th minute, Solo is really being tested with another NK shot that sailed just wide of goal again.

41st minute: Chalupny threatens deep in NK end, setting up a Lopez corner kick and….OH MAN! Off the bar!!! Abby Wambach powerfully heads ball after outjumping two red defenders. Shot clanks right off of the bar and straight back down, mere inches from the goal line. Sooo close! Hands cradling the back of the head….

Tactics note: I’m kinda surprised that after a few unsuccessful corners, the US doesn’t mix it up and play it short for once. They were so good at that during the send off series this summer that I’m at a loss as to why they won’t try it now.

North Korea is really, really giving the US run for its money. They’re beginning to really pressure again in the waning minutes of the half. And boy do I need a coffee right now…but I must return to my slumber after the match is over in order to compensate for the sleep deprivation hours before the match.

Rain is really starting to drench the field, players, fans, and Greg Ryan (quick shot of a drenched US WNT manager).

Christie Rampone yellow carded in the 45th minute for late tackle near midfield.

Two minutes of stoppage.

I’m still tethered to the laptop right…just about to heat up the oatmeal momentarily. Still kinda dark outside at 5:46am ET.

And at 5:47am, whistle blows at first half. Time to cook the oatmeal and use the bathroom. Coming up: Halftime report with Rob Stone and Heather Mitts.

Weather conditions favor US? According to Heather Mitts, this is the case. After a quick three sequence bit about the game, a quick piece about JaMarcus Russel signing with theRaiders, thus concludes the quickest halftime report ever. Guess there isn’t much doing at 5:49am ET.

Random observation: With the sun yet to come up and the house perfectly quiet except for the TV and my incessant tapping of the keys, it feels alot like Christmas morning, when my brother and I used to wake up before the sun to open up the presents under the tree. A good omen for the US? I hope so….

Second half starts, and the it’s starting to get light out at 6:04pm.US pressuring early on.

Side note: Nice shot of Kristine Lilly’s husband, Dave, in the stands, sporting a cool US Hockey jersey with her wife’s name, number, and captain’s “C” . Nice idea for the male US WNT fan. (Note to self: check eBay for USA hockey jerseys and follow suit with a Carli Lloyd #11 model.)

Speaking Lil’, 49th minute, Lilly launches a long-distance shot right on the NK keeper.

6:08am ET, 50th minute: YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Abby takes the ball and fires a close range shot that through the keeper and into the net!!!!! Ands just as I was about to complain that Solo is getting way too much face time because of the continued North Korean pressure. (Actually, I can’t really complain about Solo’s face time…she is a cutie.)

The US is 48-1-1 when Abby scores. Another good omen?

53rd minute: Dangerous free kick for Lilly from above the “D” near the box. Argh…the shot rockets just wide of the far post.

US is really beginning to look like the US of old, and is establishing the attack in the 53rd.

55th minute: Oooo-oh-oh-oh-oh-OH……Solo harnesses a menacing ball close to the goalmouth. Abby goes down during the sequence, and is bleeding pretty bad from the forehead. Oh no….doesn’t look good.

57th minute: Shot of Lilly gathering the troops, trying to keep the team focused while Abby’s taken care of.

58th minute: Abby out for now, and the US is down to ten players at the moment.

Seconds later: Oh crap – North Korea immediately takes advantage, as Son Hui Kil fires a rocket right above Solo that slips right through here padded fingers. She wanted that one back even before the ball thuds to the ground behind her. Dammit Dammit!

61st minute: US is really playing back on their heels in Wambach’s absence. It’s quite a tall order without their potent goalscorer.

62nd minute: North Korea is buzzing around the box when Yong Ae Kim takes a deflection off a US defender and chips the ball past Solo. 2-1 NK. Oh boy…(pulls hair and shakes head in disbelief). C’mon Abby, we need you back!

64th minute: NK is really ruling the proceedings. Abby thankfully comes back. Hopefully, she can be effective after sustaining the head injury.

65th: Chalupny takes a speculative shot that sails high off a throw in.

67th: US reorganizes the attack, and earns the corner. Play it short, play it short! Instead, the kick curls into the grasp of the NK keeper. Ugh….I’m starting to get that sinking feeling.

6:26AM ET: Chalupney spearheads the attack in the 69th minute and disperses the ball to Lilly and the pass deflects off of NK defender, and right to Heather O’Reilly and BANGS IT into the top corner of the net….YESSSSSS!!!!!! 2-2!!!

71st minute: Foudy states that the US needs a point off this game. No thanks, Julie – I’d personally like three!!!! After all, there’s still 19 minutes left! Have some faith! (Note: said faith was slowly waning after NK’s 2nd goal. I’m a Red Sox fan, that’s all I can say.)

73rd minute: Whitehill is racing around like a Ferrari in the midfield. Her engine is def firing on all cylinders.

74th minute: NK starting to organize an attack of their own. C’mon ladies – keep the defense tight! Ball meanders in the US zone before a skipping shot finds Solo, who adeptly corrals the ball to finish the NK attack.

6:34am ET: 13 minutes to go in regulation. Man, what a match. A lot more entertaining than last year’s Men’s World Cup, save for the US-Italy match.

Side note: Greg Ryan’s voice is clearly audible on the sidelines, as he barks instructions to his side in the 78th minute. Fire ‘em up Greg!

80th minute: NK spearheads another attack, and it fizzles out soon thereafter when the ball trickles past the goal line.

83rd minute: US looking to attack. I’ve never realize what a security blanket Lilly can be, as I start to think “just give it to Lilly, she’ll take care of it.”

88th minute, NK looking for a go-ahead, US fails to clear the ball, and now, the US is back playing on its heels. C’mon Ladies!!! To borrow a phrase – “COWBOY UP!”

US counters in the 89th…and the ball goes right back NK soon after. Drama level = high. Oh how wish it were a 5-2 US bore so I hit the hay with the nerves calmed.

Four minutes of stoppage time awarded. Let’s go Ladies!

92+ minute: Whitehill free kick to Wambach, who directs the ball just wide of the far post. And now, Ryan goes with Natasha Kai in an effort to rejuvenate the attack.

OOOOOOOOOOOOH!! My hands are shaking! 93+ Solo SAVES two consecutive shots (and pretty much the game) to keep the score even at two apiece. Yikes. NK is potent, and luckily, the US has a world-class keeper.

At 6:53am ET, the whistle blows on the match. 2-2 draw. Oh man…that’s it. Well played, well played by both teams. NK showed up with all of its horses, keeping the US at bay for much of the match.

6:55am ET: Back to bed for me…without the contacts this time around. A stretch and yawn for me, and I’m headed back upstairs.

U.S. WNT cap "Kristine Lilly Day" with a 1-0 win over Norway

July 15, 2007

On a date dubbed “Kristine Lilly Day” by Connecticut governor M. Jodi Rell, the U.S. Women’s National Team capped the festivities for the hometown star with a 1-0 victory over a pesky Norway squad Saturday evening at Rentschler Field.

Almost according to script, the match kicked off with the U.S. immediately grabbing Norway by the horns less than thirty seconds into the contest, when Lindsey Tarpley delivered a nice ball to Carli Lloyd inside the box. Lloyd then went full bore toward the Norway net before sending a high shot that glided over the crossbar, which put the Norwegians on notice before the match clock reached one minute.
Minutes later, Abby Wambach hunted down a ball lackadaisically handled by Marit Christensen and Siri Nordby deep within their own territory. Wambach pounced on the ball and crashed the box before tapping the shot toward keeper Christine Nilsen, who made the save.
While the Americans took charge of the match during the first ten minutes of action, possession began to draw even around the 19th minute, as Norway began to organize its attack after a slow start.
Nearing the midway point of the first half, the Americans had staged a handful of quality chances to break through with the first goal of the game. One such chance came when Tarpley took the ball toward the outer edge of the box and launched a bending shot that just barely missed the far post in the 21st minute.
The Americans threatened again in the 33rd minute, when Lilly air-mailed a beautiful ball toward Lloyd, who was stationed at the top of the box. Lloyd took one touch, loaded up, and fired a cracking shot that went wide of the right post, as the squad yet again narrowly missed on the opening goal.
The mirage of a potential game-breaker was reappeared once again in the 35th minute, when Nilsen made a potentially fatal mistake when she haphazardly trotted up toward the top edge of the box to play a dangerous ball. Tarpley immediately recognized the blunder, and proceeded to pick pocket Nilsen of the ball. The athletic forward and blew right past the helpless keeper, en route to a clear shot on goal before defender Ane Horpestad headed the ball away from net.
With the match surprisingly still even entering the second half, U.S. manager Greg Ryan inserted shifty forward Natasha Kai for Tarpley in an attempt to reinvigorate an attack that had been continually frustrated by a series of near misses.
Lilly tried to spark the attack by taking matters in her own hands in the 52nd minute, when she danced into the teeth of the Norwegian back line. The hometown hero then proceeded to shake her defender with a quick spin and turned toward goal before her shot was suffocated by two defenders.
As the proceedings reached the hour mark, and with the potent American attack continually stifled by Norway’s entrenched defenders, it appeared the best team in the world would have to dig just a bit deeper to if they were to finally break through.
With shovel firmly in hand, the U.S. did just that and dug deep off a set piece from the corner, as Lilly took a short pass off the corner from Kai, then crossed and outswinger from the right toward Lloyd, who positioned herself perfectly on the welcome mat of the Norway goal. Lloyd leaned forward and cleverly headed the ball well out of the reach of Nilsen for the goal, sending the home crowd of 9,957 into delirium.
Opening goal finally achieved, the Americans attempted to clamp down on their defending in order to protect the lead. However, the Norwegians did not go quietly into the night. In the 83rd minute, Norway’s Melissa Wiik raced deep into the American half and sent a deflected shot directly in the path of teammate Solveig Gulbrandsen, who tested keeper Hope Solo with tapped shot that was safely cradled out harm’s way.
Undeterred, the Norwegians attempted to locate the equalizer in the 88th minute off a corner kick, when Nordby sent a low cross into the mixer that was thumped away by Cat Whitehill before it reached its intended destination. Seconds later, Whitehill once again cleared out another menacing Norwegian pass in the vicinity of the box, thus safeguarding the 1-0 shutout win for the Americans.

Forget NAFTA: US Women Thrash Mexico Cinco-Cero

April 15, 2007

The last time the US Women’s National Team stepped onto the Gillette Stadium pitch, Julie Foudy was captain and Mia Hamm played up front.

Oh, and the grass was real back then, too.

Now, some three and half years since their last Foxboro appearance – October 1, 2003 – many things have changed; Foudy and Hamm have since retired and the Gillette pitch has since become synthetic. Nevertheless, the one constant between that match and Saturday’s has been that little, unlucky-numbered train that could: Kristine Lilly.

For it was Lilly, in her New England homecoming, who would appropriately take center stage Saturday and score a pair of goals in the United States’ victory over Mexico, 5-0.

Hoping to open up the attack early, US manager Greg Ryan dispatched the unconventional 3-4-3 formation for the match, with a potent group of Lilly, Abby Wambach and Lindsay Tarpley up front.

The tactic paid dividends almost immediately, as Wambach exploded through the Mexican box and blasted a shot past keeper Sophia Perez for the game’s opening salvo in the 10th minute.

Exhibiting every aspect of a squad ranked number one in the world, the Americans relentlessly pressured and attacked the Mexican side of the field in the first half, thus giving fans in the Fort an eyeful of Wambach and her goal-crashing cohorts. With one assault after another, Number 20 & Company slalomed their way through the Mexicans like Alberto Tomba during the 1992 Winter Olympics.

It became apparent that the score would not remain 1-0 for very long. After acquiring de facto ownership of the Mexican side of the field, the Americans hammered goal number two in the 33rd minute, courtesy of Tarpley, giving the red, white & blue a two-goal advantage

As if the squad still had something to prove, the Americans stepped onto the pitch technically sounder in the second half, as the passing became crisper and runs became swifter.

Although the soccer gods may have quietly balked at the fake turf to which the match took place, they were clearly pleased with Lilly on this occasion. In the 50th minute, number 13 scored on a “right-place, right-time” shot, notching career goal number 120 on her native New England soil, er, synthetic turf.

The Mexican side, to its credit, did not just sit back and allow their American counterparts to pummel them completely. The green and red conjured their way through the American box on a handful of occasions – just enough to keep the match intermittently interesting – as goalkeeper Hope Solo was sparsely peppered with some obligatory shots. However, she would effectively keep the vault door sealed throughout the proceedings.

Although the clouds began to cast their gloomy shadows as the game progressed, there must have been just enough of a breach through the dark wispy willows to allow the gods to smile once more. Lilly, seemingly uncontent to sit on career goal number 120 for long, would strike for a second time on a brilliant, 36-yard volley that gracefully floated over the Mexican keeper.

During the 82nd minute, Ryan recalled his diminutive warrior to the respite of the sidelines, giving Lilly the standing ovation she so nobly deserved. As the Gillette faithful applauded their local hero, the hero would return the cheers with one of her own as she exited the stage.

It was only appropriate that less than seven minutes later, Lauren Cheney – Lilly’s replacement – would rack up her very first National Team goal in the 88th minute, giving the Americans the firmly-stamped 5-0 result. Surely, the soccer gods must have grinned in approval.

US Women’s National Team Head to Foxboro

April 11, 2007

Fresh off the capture of their fifth Algarve Cup, the US Women’s National Team will arrive in Foxboro this week in preparation for its match vs. Mexico on Saturday afternoon. The team, which was recently awarded the number 1 spot in the FIFA World rankings after their success in Portugal, will be playing a series of friendlies and send-offs during the coming months, all in preparation for the 2007 FIFA Women’s World Cup in China, taking place from September 10-30.

Saturday will mark the first time the club has played in Foxboro-area in over three years. The last time the club graced the now-absent Gillette Field grass was October 1, 2003, when they defeated Poland 1-0 during the Women’s World Cup quarterfinals at Gillette Stadium.

For those of you unfamiliar with some of the players, here’s who to watch for come Saturday.

Carli Lloyd: Perhaps the player who achieved the most individual success during the Algarve Cup tournament, Lloyd, who was previously held to one goal in 24 caps, went on a goal-scoring heist, tallying four goals in four games, making her one of the most dangerous players on the US side.

Aly Wagner: One of the most skilled players on the squad, Ally has been a consistent performer since her arrival in 1999, after having witnessed the success of Pasadena. The 26-year-old midfielder recently tallied her 100th cap in a friendly vs. Canada on July 30, 2006. The creative 111-cap midfielder has been an integral part of the team’s successes since their USA ’99 coming out party, and continues to help anchor one of the best midfields in the world.

Hope Solo: The heir apparent to legendary WNT keeper Briana Scurry, Solo has performed remarkably well during the past two seasons, including a ridiculous 1,054 minute goal-less streak set back in 2006. Additionally, she had a particularly impressive Four Nations tourney back in January, in which she was named Best Goalkeeper after allowing only one goal. Nevertheless, trying to fill the shoes of Scurry is a monumental task – a task that Solo has proven she can undertake.

Kristine Lilly: Talk about longevity and consistency and you are bound to mention the name. The crafty vet only seems to get better with age, as the club captain recently notched career goal number 119 during the Algarve Cup proceedings. A native New Englander (Wilton, CT), Lilly also starred for the Boston Breakers during the initial incarnation of the WUSA from 2001-2003.She is also one of the last key members of the ’99 WC-winning squad that still currently playing.

Abby Wambach: Perhaps one of the best players in the world, Wambach has scored an astonishing 68 goals in 88 career caps with the WNT. Her best year came in 2004, when she not only scored 31 total goals, but scored the game-winner in extra time vs. Brazil during the gold medal game in during the 2004 Summer Olympics. She was named was named U.S. Soccer’s Female Player of the Year for 2003.

Additionally, the club is guided by manager Greg Ryan, who has yet to lose in regulation since taking over as gaffer in 2005.

Granted, this is not the same legendary team led by Mia Hamm, Julie Foudy and Michelle Akers that throngs of the sports-viewing public became so familiar with after their amazing 1999 World Cup triumph. But don’t be fooled; although many of the “name” players have retired, this squad is not only supremely talented, but collectively young enough to where its success can be forecasted for years to come as well.

The WNT match vs. Mexico, which will kick off at 5:00pm, is the first game of a soccer doubleheader taking place at Gillette Saturday. In what promises to be an eventful evening filled with top-notch soccer all being played on the same turf, the Revolution will continue the festivities by squaring off against MLS-expansion team Toronto FC at 7:30pm.