Archive for September, 2007

Shaken Solo clouds the US WNT goalkeeper picture

September 28, 2007

Last week, I sent Hope Solo a few questions after the US Women’s National Team’s first-place Group stage finish. After receiving the reply, what I observed from her answers was a headstrong, warrior-like persona with the confidence of the world-class keeper that she is.

But after Thursday’s devastating 4-0 loss to Brazil, a vastly different Solo appeared in a post-match interview. Less than a week after I glanced upon her responses, I saw a broken player freshly stripped of that trademark confidence. Instead of the ever-present poised and determined look, her eyelids became dams for tears waiting to burst. As her voice trembled with insecurity, the world got a brand new look of Hope Solo: that of a shattered psyche that no horrendous, multi-goal game could ever deliver.

Of course, the events that led up to this debacle are still fresh. In a controversial move, US manager Greg Ryan decided, less than 48 hours prior to the World Cup semi-final match against a formidable Brazilian side, that his keeper of choice would not be Solo. Rather than sticking with the proverbial hot hand – Solo was riding a 298 minute shutout streak – he elected to go with veteran keeper Briana Scurry, whose career statistics against Brazil (12-0-0, 0.41 GAA) seemingly favored the US’s chances of beating them and advancing to the finals. After the news broke, Solo addressed the media, half-heartedly projecting the image a level-headed teammate, stating that it was a coach’s decisions, while all the while the world could see that the keeper was troubled.

Fast-forward 24 hours: the US was shelled by an enormously talented Brazil, and the controversy sparked on the eve of the match just erupted turned into a full-fledged forest fire. In his post-game press conference, Ryan stuck by his decision; Solo was less than diplomatic.

During an emotional post-match interview – one given despite protocol that bars a non-performer from doing so – Solo publicly blasted her coach, saying that she should have started, and not Scurry. “It was the wrong decision, and I think anybody that knows anything about the game knows that.”

Congratulations, Coach Ryan. You’ve single-handedly rattled the confidence of your club’s best keeper, nevermind one of the world’s best.

Now the question that hovers above the radioactive fallout of the Brazil fiasco is whether Solo will return to her goalkeeping duties anytime soon. Obviously, it would appear that a quick answer would come in the form of Sunday’s third-place match against Norway. No announcements have been made as of yet; it’s quite possible that Ryan will stick with Scurry or perhaps even insert third-string keeper Nicole Barnhart in order to gage the 25-year-old’s poise in a World Cup atmosphere. Then again, it’s not entirely out of the question that if Ryan and Solo quickly resolve their differences, the Washington state native could return to action.

On a larger scale, with another important tournament coming up in less than a year – the 2008 Summer Olympics – the next few weeks may give a clearer picture of who will be back in net when the women return to China in search of a different kind of gold. Will Solo – whose confidence has been shaken to its core – ever return the to become the same stonewall form that she once was? Whether it’s Solo, Scurry, or up-and-comer Barnhart remains to be seen. But if the last 48 hours are any indication, it could be anyone.

The fact that the keeper’s position –one that was seemingly already determined and set in stone – is now mired in uncertainty may transform “The Greatest Team You’ve Never Heard Of” into “One Of The Greatest Teams You’ve Never Heard Of.”

2007 FIFA Women’s World Cup Running Diary: Brazil 4, US 0

September 28, 2007

Immediate disclaimer: forgive me, but I cannot watch the entire match as I’d love to, as work calls at 8:30am. I know, it sucks, but I just wanted to warn you of the situation. All I’ve got is 30 minutes of viewing time before I become a mindless corporate drone. For this I apologize. I will be doomed to track the remainder of the match via EspnSoccernet Gamecast…So with that, LET’S GO LADIES! I wanna see a World Cup-performance!

As an aside, I watched the replay of the Germany-Norway match the night before, and wow, when I watch the Germans, it reminds me of that scene in Terminator 2: Judgment Day when Schwarzenegger is walking down that hallway at the mall firing off his shotgun. The dramatic pause as repeatedly cocks the gun before blasting the lethal shots – that’s what Germany was against Norway, en route to their 3-0 win. Amazing club.

7:55 –Star Spangled banner….shot of Briana Scurry…she’s ready for this. Though I do like hope a lot, I’m absolutely confident that Bri’s got this.

7:57 – Brazilian national anthem

Brazil in a 3-5-2. USA in a 4-3-3

8:01: “What’s at stake?” graphic – oh I dunno…maybe the World Cup!??

1- USA immediately comes out and puts a shot on the keeper

2- USA is 19-1-2 vs. Brazil all-time

4-Christiane gets past Rampone and the Brazilian falls in the box. No penalty…play on…dangerous, dangerous sequence.

5-foudy states that the Brazilian didn’t get the call because she oversold it, as she wildly flailed her arms as she hit the pitch.

6- USA free kick from beyond the box….Chalupny heads it right on net, saved.

7-shot of Hope Solo…she can’t be pleased at all. She belongs out there.

7-Free kick from#2 Brazil and tests Scurry with a shot that Brianna misplays…this could get bad.

8-this is definitely not the same Brazil that that Americans faced back in June at Giants Stadium.

10-With so many singular-named Brazilians, what kinda singular names would be good for the USA? Ramponinho? Abbao? Carlinho? Solao?

13- Whitehill free kick, parried by Andréia

14- Physical, physical match…Boxxy just carded for a hard tackle near midfield.

15-Nice catch save for Briana….need to keep it up.

16-Elaine down after Lori Chalupny challenges her for the ball. She stays down for a little while.

18-crowd definitely pro-Brazil

19 CK for Brazil…although it appears that no one deflects it, another CK for Brazil

20- What??? What was that??? Own goal for Brazil. Osborne tried to head it out, but goes right into the corner of the net. Weird, weird goal. Lilly rallies the troops, trying to get them focused. Ugh…what a bad goal.

Side note: just noticed it’s cloudy out this morning

22- Wambach sends a ball wide of goal, deflects off of Brazilian player.

23- CK high, high balloon of a ball. It goes to Abby, but the whole sequence looked outta whack.

26- First 99 reference by Foudy, in reference to Brandi Chastain’s own goal vs. Germany in the semis

27-USA just struggling to attack…Chalupny carded.

27- Marta dances into the box and sends a skipping shot toward the near post and goal number two for the Brazilians. Oh man, this is not good. Would Hope have gotten that one? I dunno.

29-Foudy questioning the Scurry move. As am I…

30- Now readers I apologize, but I must now go to work. I tried to get the morning off, but to no avail. This is heart wrenching for me, with our gals down 0-2 and me left to my devices and Gamecast, which is like tracking bachelor party via dots and four-line analysis…in other words, it sucks a lot.

(Now stationed in front of the PC at work)

And you know what hell is? Hell is watching any important soccer match on Gamecast. I suppose it’s maybe a rung up from being completely uninformed if you’re not within a mile of a TV, but ugh…it’s horrible.

So here we go into halftime down 0-2. Though I’m not currently privy to any first hand information, but I’m positive there’s already alot of armchair quarterbacking going on, or Sunday Morning Striking if you will, of Greg Ryan’s decision to start Scurry. Granted, you can’t anticipate Osborne’s own goal, but Marta’s goal was just a rocket that Scurry was supposed to stop according to Ryan’s hypothesis.

Now…I’ve second-guessed Greg Ryan on more than one occasion, but this decision, at this point in time, is perhaps one of his most troubling. It’s like Bill Belichick going into the playoffs, and starting Vinny Testaverde in favor of Tom Brady against the Colts in the AFC Championship game because Vinny’s got better career lifetime stats against the horseshoes. But Belichick would never do this because YOU DANCE WITH THE ONE WHO BRUNG YA!

Greg Ryan should have realized this. I love Briana Scurry, she’s a great keeper, but you always go with the hot hand, and that would be Hope Solo, she of a current 290-minute shutout streak. And if he pulls a Grady Little and leaves Scurry in for the second half, it’s gonna be de ja vu all over again for me.

According to the Gamecast demon, the second half is underway. Scurry’s apparently still in. The only sub made is Carli Lloyd.

56 – According to Gamecast…Christiane scores a wicked shot from the heart of the box, coldly beating Scurry, 3-0 Brazil…ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE HER OUT NOW??? Greg Ryan is going to lose his job. This is a nightmare. This is…a nightmare…

Another goal at minute 79…this sucks…

9:56am ET: Now the game’s over…Ugh…talk about the wind being knocked right out of your sails. I was anticipating one more early morning of fun come Sunday, but alas, that will not come to pass. I just feel empty right now. I was gonna go to the gym after work, inspired and energetic, because I thought for sure there’d be the final come Sunday. There will be, it just won’t involve the Americans. Not anymore. Is it too late to get a Hope Solo jersey? Damned gold jerseys…arrogant in their own little way. Maybe I’ll pick one up for the third place match against Norway, if only to remind me of what could have been…

It was fun while it lasted. The 5am wakeup calls, though mind-numbingly tiresome, were well worth it. I had a blast watching all the games, with one more to go. My heart hurts…I may just end Up TiVo’ing the third-place match against Norway.

I remember interviewing them back in April and July when they played in Foxboro and Hartford, respectively, and hearing from Abby, Carli, and Hope about how badly they wanted to win this for Kristine Lilly. Send her off with one last World Cup championship. Sigh…even though they came up short, I still love this team.

Sunday Morning Striker: Red Bulls and Revs draw 2-2, and Red Bull causes late submission (again!)

September 26, 2007

Recently, Sunday Morning Striker attended two soccer matches within the span of four days, which may be some sort of record (note: it isn’t…four in one day is the current record). The lucky pair was Brazil-Mexico and Revolution-FC Dallas. Now, if you attended both of these matches as well, the crowd involvement was night and day, apples and oranges, Britney and Christina. The former was one filled with drums, sambas, and a sea of canary yellow. The latter was another run of the mill, sterile crowd, save for the Fort and the non-stop crying baby two rows behind me.

But back to the overwhelmingly pro-Brazilian faithful: such is the sunny, colorful disposition of Brazilian soccer fans (futbol fans, to be more accurate – the words “Brazil” and “soccer” go together like Paris and Pele), and the vibe throughout the crowd was electric and highly-infectious. Never, in all of SMS’s life, has he attended an event containing a bevy of 68,000 passionate fans, almost none of whom used their seats for sitting, but rather standing the entire 90 minutes.

This got SMS thinking: what can be done to amp up the atmosphere at Revolution games? What can be learned from Brazil-Mexico crowd a few Wednesday nights ago? Some suggested free tickets for the scantily clad Brazilian women for the rest of the season. This could work. But SMS have a much better (note: family-friendly) answer.

Now, before I elaborate on this no-fail idea, be advised that SMS is a man of the people. It would be much more financially rewarding to pitch the idea directly to the Revs for a lucrative, incentive-laden deal, have them counter it, which in turn would bring SMS’s roster of lawyers to negotiate a fair deal to which SMS rides to Revs games in a limousine for the rest of his days.

So here it is – two words, but one fantastic idea: Revolution Song Girls.

Now, SMS understands that soccer purists may initially scoff. “There are no cheerleaders in soccer!” you say. Let SMS amend that for you – there are no cheerleaders in (Eastern European) soccer. But there are cheerleaders in Mexican soccer, and there are definitely cheerleaders in other MLS organizations, such as Colorado, Columbus, and Chivas USA has the ChivasGirls. But what I propose are not cheerleaders – SMS proposes song girls.

Song Girls would amp up the crowd between short stoppages in play (prior to goal kicks, free kicks, corners, as well as during halftime). Hey, watch where you throw that tomato! Anyway, after the tendonitis kicks in, ice down the arm and consider this: it would be run by a person knowledgeable in soccer, thus, there wouldn’t be cheers during the run of play. A perfect display for the song girls would be prior to a corner kick. Think about it: Steve Ralston calmly jogs toward the flag, the song girls would come out, right behind the opponent’s net, and wave their shiny navy and silver pom-poms in anticipation for the kick. The Revolution Song Girls would, of course, also appear in dance and song after a Revolution goal, and SMS already has visions of Khano Smith bowling over a few Song Girls as part of his goal celebration (just ask Jay Heaps about this). This would rank high on many fans’ entertainment scales.

Those of you who aren’t forced read this column might retort, “Hey, wait just a minute, Sunday Morning Striker! Didn’t you mention back in May during the Columbus match that the soccer gods frown upon cheerleaders?” SMS’s answer to that is this: there’s a difference between song girls and cheerleaders. Trust me. You see, Revolution song girls would bypass the standard, cleavage bearing cheerleader tops in favor of tight, Revolution-branded sweaters (Adidas Climacool during the summer months) with matching short skirts, thus projecting that wholesome, girl-next-door image. There’s your primary difference. In any event, just to be sure, SMS has circulated a memo to the soccer gods themselves humbly requesting their approval of song girls.

Next time: why the Revs need to ditch the costumed Slyde mascot and employ a real, live fox for its matches…and I’m not talking about Jessica Alba, though SMS wishes he was.

In other news, the Revs kicked off against New York on the football-lined pitch of Giants Stadium Saturday night. With only five matches remaining, the second-place Revs looked to secure three points in the hopes of overthrowing the current king of the hill, DC United, for the Supporter’s Shield.

The home team wasted absolutely no time establishing their rhythm, when the inexperienced but electric Francis Doe crashed his way through the Revolution backs in the first minute and immediately challenged with a quick flick into the box. Luckily, Avery John snuffed out the threat as he poked the ball away.

Though the Red Bulls came out charging, the proceedings settled down after the fifth minute, as the hard artificial surface at Giants Stadium produced the ubiquitous hyperactive bounces that both teams failed to control in many instances.

Accordingly, the Revs’ first legitimate threat appeared in 21st minute from none other than the dead ball, as they were awarded a free kick from about 35 yards out. Steve Ralston booted it right in the path of Claudio Reyna, and though the blocked kick directly went to Jeff Larentowicz nearby, the follow up comically hit Reyna yet again, and the threat soon dissipated.

Still failing to attack from the run of play, the Revs took advantage of another dangerous free kick in the 22nd minute. Ralston this time looped a curling ball to Taylor Twellman as the striker rose above his mark to head it point blank past Waterreus. 1-0 Revs.

Coincidentally, the Red Bulls unsuccessfully tried borrow the blueprints on the Revolution goal when Reyna launched a free kick that met the skull of Doe, who headed the ball wide of net in the 25th minute.

Then, in a pressure-cooker sequence, the Energy Drinks crashed the Revolution end when they put together a dangerous attack in the 35th minute that ended in a shot saved by Reis. On the ensuing corner kick, Juan Pablo Angel beat the keeper but Michael Parkhurst, playing inside the far post, thumped it right back out to keep the equalizer at bay for the time being.

But Parkhurst couldn’t preserve the goose egg alone in the 37th minute when the Red Bull attack finally reached its boiling point. Dane Richards bravely took Avery John one-on-one on the right and lifted a perfect ball to Doe, sitting right on Reis’ doorstep, and nailed home the equalizer.

New York began the second half much like the first, and controlled the bouncing ball almost at will, which forced Reis to bail out his teammates on a couple of quick Red Bull attacks. Though the defending corps dangerously bent, the keeper managed to keep the proceedings tied for much of second half.

During a seemingly innocuous sequence in the 70th minute, New York defender Chris Leitch swept a ball right to a teammate deep in his end. But the ball was grossly misplayed, and Twellman, still retreating upfield, intercepted it, took a quick touch, slid the ball toward the far post, and into the net. 2-1 Revs.

Now masters of their own destiny with the one-goal advantage, the Revs tried to solidify their defending for the remaining twenty minutes.

But with only six more minutes left in regulation, Angel broke free and went barreling forward all alone on Reis, and deftly put the ball right past the keeper for the equalizer.

Curiously, the final minutes took the appearance of a Quentin Tarantino flick – unpredictable with lots of violence, as both clubs traded possession and fouls. For reasons unknown, Richards took down Shalrie Joseph hard just after the Grenadan cleared the ball out. Then, Larentowicz and Reyna began to trade elbows and shoves alike soon after. Even Angel, who was awarded an early yellow, brazenly bated the opposition with a few shoves. With a fun filled four additional minutes of stoppage time, anything was liable to happen to either side.

Unfortunately, stoppage time was about as funny as “Get Fuzzy” for Twellman, who suffered what appeared to be a bothersome leg injury. The gritty forward, never one to call for a substitution, was writhing in pain and had to be taken out for Wells Thompson two minutes into stoppage time.

Adding insult to injury, James Riley was called for a questionable foul deep in the Red Bulls end, giving New York one final chance for the go-ahead. Angel took the free kick from 30 yards, but the Revolution wall astutely blocked it, as the ball never approached the area. The match ended seconds later, and the continuously bouncing ball was finally given a well-deserved reprieve.

Stat of the Match, Part 1: The Revs are now 11-1-3 when scoring the first goal this season.

Stat of the Match, Part 2: With Taylor Twellman’s double, the Revolution have now posted back to back games in which one of their own chalks up two goals. Last Saturday, Pat Noonan scored two against FC Dallas.

Stat of the Match, Part 3: Red Bulls Francis Doe, playing in only his second match Saturday night, has only seen action against the Revs this season. His first MLS match: August 25th against New England.

Stat of the Match, Part 4: With Angel’s 84th minute equalizer, the Revs have now allowed the tying or go-ahead goal in the final fifteen minutes four times this season.

Stat of the Match, Part 5: Though they were outshot by New York nearly 2 to 1 (NE-12, NY-21), the Revs managed to salvage a point, despite their 2-4-2 record this season when their opponent outshoots them.

Hidden indicator of the match: During the last two matches played by New York and New England, both team’s pitches had football lines on them, and in both games, the Revolution scored two goals. Moreover, SMS had a serious headache after watching both matches due to said football lines.

Injured Becks gets no love: Gazing upon the local bookstore’s magazine aisle, SMS encountered the cover of Radar, in which Becks and Posh were prominently featured as one of the mag’s “100 Most Overrated” celebrities.

Now, SMS has heard this tired argument before. In fact, pretty much everyone who’s ever watched soccer for more than ten minutes has. No one who knows the game disputes that Beckham isn’t the best player in the world right now. At one point, during the late-90s and early-2000s, an argument could be made that he was one of the top ten players in the world at the time. But now, it’s obvious that although he’s till quite good, he’s not in anyone’s top-10.

However, the funny thing is that this argument is at least five years old. The claim that Becks is overrated is a lot like stating that Paris Hilton has just become a no-talent attention whore. Tell us something that we don’t already know. Yes, Beckham is overrated as a player, but who is going to knowledgably say that Becks is one of the best players in the world. He’s not. We know this. What’ll you tell us next, Radar? That Britney Spears is an unfit mother?

(Note: Interestingly, for the second consecutive year, a certain Sunday Morning Striker did not appear in this issue of Radar, and thus dispelling any discussions that he is overrated as a soccer journalist.)

Final York Revolution update: The “other” Revolution, they of the Atlantic Baseball League, finished second in their division to close out their very first season. They finished the second half of their season (the ABL oddly separates records for each half of the season) with a very unrevolutionary 32-31 record, which afforded them a head start on their offseason tee times. Additionally, it allows SMS to emphatically state, for the final time in 2007 that “our Revolution is better than yours!”

SMS Alma Mater update: The Anchorwomen began last week in convincing fashion, as they soundly defeated intrastate rivals Salve Regina, 5-1. SMS took in the proceedings at RIC Soccer Field, and during the second half counted…one…two….three times in which the Seahawks meandered past the half-way line toward the RIC goal. Jessica Cardinal netted a double, and Brittney Godbout collected three points (1 goal, 2 assists) in the victory.

Hoping to ride the momentum of their five-goal effort, the Anchorwomen looked to seal another victory against UMass-Dartmouth Saturday afternoon. RIC got on the board first courtesy of a Godbout goal in the 44th minute, but UMass tied it in the second half from a Sarah Killingbeck goal at the hour mark. The two clubs then headed to overtime knotted at one, but Killingbeck struck again in the 97th minute, giving the Corsairs the eventual 2-1 voctory.

US Women’s National Team feature: In case you haven’t noticed by now – and if you haven’t, shame on you – the US Women are playing in the FIFA Women’s World Cup, and are heavy favorites to win it all.

Last week, during their final group match, Lori Chalupny scored in the very first minute against Nigeria, and the game ended 1-0 in favor of the US. Though the match appeared to be a cakewalk on paper, pitting #1 US against #23 Nigeria, the opposition did well to neutralize Abby Wambach and Kristine Lilly, while also testing Hope Solo with some wicked shots. Nevertheless, the win clinched first place in Group B, and a date against England the following Saturday.
Saturday arrived, and in the first half, England had the US’s backs against the wall, and dominated possession, though they were unlucky to find the back of the net. In the second half, the US finally appeared, and scored three goals in the course of a wild 12-minute span that saw Abby Wambach (48’), Shannon Boxx (57’), and Kristine Lilly (60’) all score. With the victory, the US advanced to the semifinals, and will face Brazil on Thursday.

Join us again after the Colorado match in which SMS makes few more inane points, lists a few crazy stats, and will advise of the soccer gods’ decision on the song girls idea, as well as touch upon the concept of “Revolution” weather. Remember, no one is forcing you to read this! Plus, SMS always backs all of his claims and opinions with the iron-clad guarantee of 100% correct, or the next one’s free. Got a question, comment, or deeply-held grievance? Send an e-mail to Please know that Sunday Morning Striker may, just may, choose your e-mail on a completely arbitrary basis for publishing right here on

2007 FIFA Women’s World Cup Running Diary: US 3, England 0

September 22, 2007

It’s just a little before 8:00am ET on a Saturday morning, and here I am, tapping away at my little laptop. By that, I mean that I am awake at 8am on a Saturday morning. By that sentence alone, you can tell how uneventful my Friday night was.

I bypassed good times with great friends, meeting strange women and filling my body with unhealthy beverages. Instead, I have awakened early to greet more familiar women, and honestly, I take great pride in it.

I’ve always been of the opinion that I’d rather watch the US WNT than go to a strip club. Why? Because I admire any one who can play this wonderful game – male or female. It’s a beautiful game, and I love watching it played. I love seeing the country’s best female soccer players battle it out on their biggest stage.

You see, I don’t have a girlfriend. Hard to believe, I know. So in order to compensate for said lack of girlfriend, I have 18 women all fill that void simultaneously. Not one, two, three…but 18, thank you. Abby, Carli, Lilly, Hope, Stephanie, Briana, Lindsay, Leslie, among others. If I could take them all out to eat, I would. Take them all to the movies. Play mini-golf with them, and take them all to my company’s Christmas party.

But anyway, I’m getting gcarried away. On to the action….

7:53am ET Players march out onto the pitch.

US looking as intent as ever during the pre-match festivities….England…a little scared.

7:56am ET American National Anthem

7:57 am ET British National Anthem

Pants! I forgot my Carli Lloyd jersey upstairs…gotta hurry back.

Back! Wow, they’re really promoting this “My game is fair play” mantra. I can’t picture this in any other men’s match.

8:00am. ET – AGH! Carli Lloyd starts off on the bench. Wow, that’s big, as mentioned by Julie Foudy.

8:02 Shot of Abby…I think she’s gonna have a big game. Two goals maybe?

1-England kicks off.

3-US opens up in 4-3-3

3-Kelly Smith takes the ball near midfield. Wow, she can cross!

5-Foudy states exactly what I was gonna type. Both teams just trying to find their rhythms.

5-England starts pressuring…until the ball goes wide of the near post. Solo sends it away on the goal kick.

8-England makes another trip into the US end…but no shots taken.

9-US attacks briefly as Christie Rampone races down the right flank before her cross is headed away by the British.

11-Possession at this point-67% England 33%USA

11-Whoa…USA attacks and ball finds the doorstep before the English keeper corrals the ball as Chalupny tries to pry it out.

12-Foudy makes first reference to the ’99 team.

Side note: I was supposed to be at Riverside station in about an hour and a half to catch the bus to the Meadowlands.

14-Kelly Smith turns the corner, and Markgraf defenders her well, as the ball is poked out of bounds. Wow, Kelly Smith is sick. I mean good.

15-Lopez gets the throw in from Whitehill, and launches a rocket. England heads it away.

17-England free kick yards after the center circle, and the ball sails close to the doorstep but sails out for the goalkick.

19-Here we go…first corner kick. Play it short or launch it? Ball bounces around, but nothing doing.

20-Crap. England gets caught off guard, when Casey Stoney seals the ball near the box Markgraf saves the day. Fewf!

22-England counters quickly, Carney crosses into the box, and Solo, Lopez and Jill Scott all violently converge a few yards in front of the goal. Lopez down for a bit Amazingly, Solo is fine, even though it looked like she took the brunt of it. Could’ve easily been a goal for England.

24-Lilly tries to cross from the left flank to Abby…nothing.

27-Carney sends a long range shot on goal. Stuffed by Solo.

28-Chalupny tries to cross, ball deflected out. Corner. C’mon ladies! Rachel; Brown bats it away, but goals beyond the goal line. Another corner, but Lopez’s cross fails to find an open player.

31-England brings numbers, and attacks well until Leslie Osborne clears the ball away down field. England is really dominating this match thus far. The American attack looks lethargic, while England’s is on Red Bull. They’re just way more energized for this match.

34-Abby penetrates the box, but the ball is defended out. Corner. Lopez. Nothing.

35-Posession starting to even out a little. 52%England, 48%US. But England’s possession has been a lot more potent, with a lot more quality attacks than the US.

36-Faye White down near midfield. Looks like she got elbowed pretty bad.

39-White gets back to her feet. Hopefully she’s ok.

40-White returns, with the ubiquitous wad of tissue up the nose. She’s a fighter. (What a cheesy remark…but it works).

42-Lopez dances near the box, ball deflects off her mark, retakes it, and fires it into the box. Abby kicks a rocket on the pass, but it flies high over the bar.

43-Lilly races goalward, and puts a nice shot on net. USA starting to look like their normal, attacking selves.

44-I’ll say it right now. The first mistake will be the fatal mistake. This game will end with only one goal. Who will get it.

45- 2 minutes of stoppage indicated.

45+-England corner, and Solo parries it away.

8:49am ET: First half concludes. I’m hitting the shower…maybe that’ll help with the team’s chi.

46-RRRRRR!!!! Just back in time for the second half, just five seconds late. I know, I know. Inexcusable. No subs for US to start. US attacking right from the get go.

48- Lilly corner. Abby rises near the back post unmarked and BOOM into the back of the net. YEAH!!! Wow, what a goal. How good is Abby? Big, BIG goal. JP agrees with me.

51-Quick English chance. They’re not going away anytime soon.

55-Lilly to Boxx just before the area. But the numbers just aren’t there.

57-Lilly plays it waaaay out to Rampone, who gets it back to her forward moving teammates. Boxx gets the ball, fires…and goal! Goal into near corner! NICE! The lead’s a little more comfortable now, but then again…it’s still the dreaded two-goal lead. Way to go ladies!

59- Lilly turns her defender near the box and launches a shot on goal.

60-Long ball to Lilly, and Rachel Brown badly misplays it, as the ball bounces above her. Lilly follows up, takes the ball, runs past Brown, and calmly taps it in for the easy goal. Poor Rachel, you know she wants that one back. Wow. I need to start taking showers more often…errr….

63-US attacking again. I hope England has a backhoe, because they’ve got a lot of digging to do if they’re to catch up with only half an hour left.

67-US dominating this second half. Talk about night and day. It was exact opposite during the first half.

68-oooooohhhh England now attacking. Corner kick for Carney, defended well, as the ball skips away.

69-free kick taken, and Hope does well to knock the ball away near the far post.

71- US attacking as Chalupny sends a ball wide of the far post. This is like the tale of two halves. In hindsight, England were unlucky to not get goal then.

72-Whoa, Lopez is bleeding pretty bad. Gets some attention from the medical staff. Back in a flash.

76- Agh! I jus trealized I forgot to throw my Carli Lloyd jersey back on. Let me do that right now…

77-There we go. Maybe Carli will come on a sub within a few minutes?

78-Lilly throws a hard shot on goal. Just noticed that she sports neon yellow boots as well.

79-Solo tested with a long shot. Easily catches it and turns it back upfield.

82- Carli’s coming in! YES! She comes in for Boxxy, and now all is well with the universe.

83-Carli getting some nice touches before passing it forward to Lilly.

85-England pushing forward. Attack dissipates shortly thereafter.

86-Natasha Kai for Abby. Abby applauds the crowds in her typical classy fashion. She’s had a very good match. She didn’t net the two goals I predicted, but a solid second half performance nonetheless.

89-Corner for England. No shot. England continues its pressure.

90-Kelly Smith finally records her first shot of the match, as it sails above the bar.

3 minutes of stoppage.

91+ – Yankee launches a shot on Solo. England just looking to break the shutout.

93+ – Quick attack by England, and nearly clinches the shutout-breaker with a couple of furious attempts in the vicinity of the goal.

9:52am ET: Final whistle blows. As much as you root for your team – I’m seeing a few English players just distraught. They really were on fire in first half, but that fire just seemed to be extinguished as the second half commenced. A well-played second half by the USA did them in.

Onto the winner of tomorrow’s Brazil-Australia match tomorrow!

RIC Anchorwomen soundly defeat Salve Regina, 5-1

September 21, 2007

In game absolutely dominated by the home side, Rhode Island College soundly defeated intrastate rival Salve Regina 5-1 Thursday afternoon at RIC Soccer Field.

The Anchorwomen opened up in a potent 3-4-3 alignment, and rout commenced soon thereafter when Chelsea Creamer crossed to Jessica Cardinal, who netted the opening goal in the 2nd minute which gave the home side a lead they would not relinquish.

In the 11th minute Laurie Lindsay took a Brittany Godbout feed from the right flank and fired the second goal of the match, as RIC continued to apply heavy pressure on the Salve Regina.

While the Seahwaks continued to search for a goal of their own, the Anchorwoman attack was relentless. At the half hour mark, Gina Calenda sent the ball into the back of the net on a close-range missile from inside the box.

Just after the second half kicked off, Cardinal secured her second goal of the match in the 46th minute when she corraled a bouncing ball and flicked it past keeper Kelly Young, giving RIC the 4-0 advantage with much of the second half still remaining.

The RIC assault didn’t end until Godbout appeared on the scoresheet in the 62nd minue when she went mano-a-mano with the keeper and blasted it home for the eye-popping fifth goal of the match.

Salve was able to save some face in the 76th minute when Kacie Gallo converted a Kendra Andrie free kick into the back of the net, thus denying the shutout for the Anchorwomen.

Sunday Morning Striker: Revs blast FC Dallas, 4-2 – No videotape required!

September 19, 2007

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock or recently awoken from a lengthy coma, you’ve surely been inundated with the news of Bill Belichick’s less-than-savvy video surveillance tactics. Reportedly, the Pats head coach sent a video assistant to film their opponents’ defensive coaches in an attempt to decipher their defensive signals at halftime.

The shrewd undertaking committed by one of the best head coaches in NFL history has certainly left the region buzzing about the embarrassment and shame this incident has cast on the New England Patriots organization. It’s one thing to be clever – within the rules. But after the NFL specifically addressed this type of incident during the preseason, everyone in the league was well aware of the crackdown that would soon follow on the practice of videotaping the opponent’s sideline.

Luckily, Sunday Morning Striker has it under good authority that Revolution manager Steve Nicol has not resorted to such unsportsmanlike methods.

But, as he often likes to do on Friday afternoons at the office, SMS began to imaginalize: What if Nicol did unleash an anonymous Revolution employee to scour the secrets and strategy of FC Dallas during this weekend’s match? (cue the Wayne’s World “doo-doo-doo-doo…doo-doo-doo-doo..”)

After tough first half, the players and coaches head to the locker room, whereby Anonymous Revs Employee hands over an ominous tape, the contents of which could be potentially damaging to the former Dallas Burn.

Nicol (pointing to the VCR): Laddy, cue the tape.

Audio: “Can you believe the hotel rooms? Two words: mini-bar.”….”I dunno, he was saying something about his girlfriend’s missing panties…” “Wrecked’em? Damn near killed him!”

Nicol: Fast forward it a bit…

Audio: “I am stuck on band aid brand cuz band aid’s stuck on me…” “…The Foxy Lady? How far is Providence from here?”

Nicol (clearly agitated): a little further…

Audio: “Fifth row…third seat from the left…blonde hair…” “Nice…” “Damn, I got burned by both Stephen Jackson and Drew Brees did nothing for me last week? 16 combined points? What the —“

Nicol: Bloody hell! (Ejects the tape and slams it to the ground.)

(End imaginatory sequence)

So, as you can tell, this premise would fail to accomplish much, if anything, in soccer. The audio, though intermittently entertaining, would only lend itself for blackmailing purposes.

Wait a minute…maybe it would work in soccer!

Back to reality, a revitalized Revolution attack warmed the cool New England air Saturday night, as they emphatically throttled FC Dallas 4-2.

While the Revs had been soundly defeated by DC United in the nation’s capital less than a week previous, the supporters must have arrived at Gillette Stadium wondering whether a repeat performance was about to occur.

Adding more uncertainty was the fact that manager Steve Nicol had to watch this one from the locker room, as his red card during last week’s loss resulted in suspension from this match. Temporarily taking over the Revolution reigns was none other than the Ipswich Town legend himself, Paul Mariner.

Any such fears of an encore were not easily erased when Dallas’ (herein after “the Gondoliers” for their red-striped kits) potent trio of Carlos Ruiz, Abe Thompson, and newly-acquired Brazilian playmaker Denilson stalked the eastern end of the pitch. Yet, the trio of Avery John, James Riley, and Michael Parkhurst kept them at bay early on.

Though the backs kept their end of the bargain, it was the forwards that had to deliver as well if the club was to pocket a critical three home points. Pat Noonan answered the call when he took a pass from Khano Smith on the left flank and flicked the ball into top shelf for the opening goal of the match in the 29th minute.

The Gondoliers turned their attention toward salvaging the equalizer in the 35th minute when Dax McCarty launched a long, floating free kick into a hive of striped and navy gentlemen. As the players all jockeyed for the ball, it was Ruiz – el pescado – who impeccably timed his jump and headed it right into the back of the net. (Note: I wonder the Spanish word for – ah, forget it)
Steve Morrow’s boys kept the pressure on the backs yet again during a mad scramble in front of the net when the ball dangerously bounced around like a Mexican jumping bean. Then, when it appeared that the final bounce appeared goalward, Parkhurst ended the chaos by athletically heading the ball over the bar in the 37th minute.

With SMS’s bladder about to burst due to a couple of Aquafinas and a pre-match soft drink, he hoped for a quick Revolution strike to put them up before the close of the first frame. Minutes later, the whistle mercifully blew – but without the hoped-for goal.

Now, SMS is going to share with you a secret of his. During halftime, I feel the need to stretch the legs and leave the confines of his generously-sized, cupholder-equipped throne from his section 102 dwelling. In order to accomplish this, I walk down the East ramp to the ProShop, where he is tempted to purchase numerous Revolution items and apparel. The ongoing question is “do I need this?” as he touches various jerseys, hats, and hoodies. Successfully keeping my impulsive buying habits at bay –therapy has done wonders – I returned to my seat, and like the homer that he always is, hoped for a gaggle of Revolution goals in the second half.

It looked promising early. The Revs had taken control of possession in the opening minutes of Half Two, as the attack “ooohed” and “ahhhhed” the crowd with a few prolonged possessions in FC Dallas real estate, but these endeavors failed to produce.

However, their efforts were rewarded in the 65th minute during a hasty counterattack which saw the ball transferred between Jeff Larentowicz and Steve Ralston, who paced close by on the right. Ralston took the pass from Larentowicz, and devilishly pushed the ball middle to Pat Noonan, who one-timed it past Dario Sala for the double.

Goal number three nearly came in the 74th minute when Taylor Twellman tried to join his strike partner on the scoresheet by taking the ball mere yards in front of Sala. But, Drew Moor stood his mark up, and smothered the attempt before it even approached his keeper.

The Revs continued to press, and with less than fifteen minutes in regulation, a frustrating scene occurred when no less than four Revolution players touched the ball within ten yards of the box – and no shot to show for it. Amid the tantalizing affair, Ralston burrowed through defenders, took a close pass from Twellman, and fired the ball off of Aaron Pitchkolan. Undeterred, the captain cleaned followed up on the deflection, re-acquired the ball, and fed the goalmouth at minute 78.

A touch of late-match drama unfolded when Ruiz struck again from a quick pass from Dominic Oduro and quickly headed it top-shelf, thus narrowing the gap to one goal in the 84th minute.
The goal energized the Hoops, but their aggression on offense left them painfully out of position in the 90th minute when Smith corralled a deflected ball yards before the box and powerfully heeled it inside the far post for the final goal of the match just before regulation expired.

Stat of the Match, Part 1: The Revs scored four goals for the first time since they scored four against Toronto FC back on April 14th.

Stat of the Match, Part 2: Khano Smith scored his first goal in nearly a year. His last one came on October, 14 2006 vs. Columbus.

Stat of the Match, Part 3: FC Dallas hasn’t won at Gillette Stadium in over four years. Their last win at the Razor came on July 16, 2003.

Stat of the Match, Part 4: The Revs tallied three yellow cards during a five-minute span during the closing minutes, when Adam Cristman (83’), Shalrie Joseph (86’) and Matt Reis (88’) all received bright yellow presents from referee Kevin Stott.

Stat of the Match, Part 5: The Revs will face FC Dallas again on October 3rd for the U.S. Open Cup Final. With their win Saturday night, New England is now 19-9-1 all-time vs. FC Dallas.

Random Soccer Related thought: Shalrie Joseph and Asante Samuel – separated at birth?

The OH-BAY-BEE Sweet Play of the Match: Khano Smith twice turned Gondolier defenders down the left flank, but the most notable one occurred in the 43rd minute. After taking a pass from Parkhurst, the Tall One, being closely marked by Pablo Ricchetti, turned him left as the Bermudan went right and fired a shot on Sala. Though the shot was stopped, the play was sweet. SMS was amazed to see young kids waving t-shirts and hoodies in approval despite the cool temperatures.

G-Unit signs a DPA before the September 15th roster freeze: While the Revs were busy booking plane tickets back to Serbia for Dusan Petkovic, the soon-to-be-signed-before-injuring-his-ankle defender, G-Unit made a monster signing by agreeing to terms with rap star Jim Jones. The move is significant because of Jones’ street cred paired with catchy lyrics.

This signing got SMS wondering: what if the Revs signed a big name soccer star? Oh wait a minute…that would actually require paying more than the going rate for rookies and sophomores. SMS’s bad…

Adam Cristman can’t find Uzbekistan…for real: After sorting through Thursday’s mail, SMS was pleasantly surprised to find the Revolution’s own Adam Cristman in Sports Illustrated’s “The Pop Culture Grid” section. Among the categories, the rookie forward says that Lindsay Lohan was his favorite celebrity scandal of the summer, Red Stripe is his favorite beer, and “Goodnight Moon” was his favorite book as a child.

In the same section, Rapids midfielder Pablo Mastroeni offered his own PG-13 responses: One Night in Paris was the last DVD he bought, his dad’s magazine stash was listed under “Favorite book as a child”, and finally, with the summer over, Pablo can now “ditch (his) banana hammock.” Ugh, after reading that, SMS just vomited in his mouth a little bit.

SMS Alma Mater Soccer update: The RIC women had three matches on the schedule this week. The first one, a home match vs. the U.S. Coast Guard Academy on Tuesday, was postponed due to torrential rain.

The second match, also at home to Wheaton College on Thursday night, was a disheartening affair that featured an overwhelmed home side doing their best to keep the 15th ranked Lyons at bay. Unfortunately, RIC fell hard to Wheaton, 5-0.

On Saturday, they traveled to UMass-Boston and played the Beacons up in the Hub, where they returned to their winning ways, taking a 4-1 victory. Laurie Lindsay chalked up a double, as teammates Brittney Godbout and Jessica Cardinal each tallied a goal in the Anchorwomen win.

Revs wish for home crowds like that seen at Wednesday’s Brazil-Mexico match: Yours truly was present for Wednesday night’s Brazil-Mexico match, and was absolutely floored when he entered the stadium to find over 67,000 fans on hand to watch a soccer game. Yes, this was truly an amazing sight, one that I had never witnessed in person, as I stared in awe upon a sea of canary yellow surrounding the pitch.

Interestingly, there were also a few Revolution players also present for the match, and stated that they had wished the same turnouts for their matches. An insightful piece from The Boston Globe’s Frank Dell’Apa detailed the same:

“It was unbelievable, from the time we got there 30 minutes before the game,” said midfielder Shalrie Joseph, a native of Grenada who has played more than 10 international matches for his national team. “It was one of those atmospheres that as a soccer player you’d love to play in.”

Of course, it would be ideal to see these types of crowds at Revolution matches. But the organization did itself no favors that night – there was little advertising or promotion of the Revs during the match. In fact, I overheard some spectators nearby ask whether there was a pro team that played here.

The Revs front office could have easily promoted the club before 67,000 hardy soccer souls, but for unknown reasons, bypassed this golden opportunity. The only hint that pro soccer team played at Gillette was a breif flashing of the Revolution logo during halftime, without any mention of ticket deals, prices, or any other pertinent info. And people wonder why there aren’t more fans for Revs games…

SMS Monthly Book Recommendation: For those of you who may wonder what the big fuss about David Beckham is about, pick up John Carlin’s “White Angels: Beckham, Real Madrid, and the New Football.”

The book is exceptionally written, and the author’s personal football allegiance to Real Madrid gives the story a unique personal touch. In addition, it also explains Beckham’s worldwide popularity, the characters behind the scenes of the world’s most visible (note: profitable) side, and the human element of how a group of superstars like Zidane, Ronaldo, and Becks, despite their amazing collective talent, can fail against lesser sides.

US Women’s National Team feature: The women played a tough match against North Korea on Tuesday, as they drew 2-2 during a rain-soaked affair. Abby Wambach and Heather O’Reilly scored during what could be argued as the most competitive match this year for our women.

Three days later, the Americans faced the aesthetically-pleasing Swedish squad under drier conditions, and easily beat them 2-0. Wambach struck again, this time with a pair of goals, giving the US a critical three points in group play, thus placing them atop the Group B standings with North Korea.

The women will kick off against Nigeria on Tuesday morning at a more reasonable 8:00am local time, as opposed to the prior 5:00am start times for the North Korea and Sweden matches. For those of you who care, I diaried both matches from my lovely living room couch before the sun came up. Needless to say, my work productivity slipped this past week.

Join us again after the New York match, where SMS will report back on what facial expressions Bruce Arena will have cooked up for the camera. That alone should be entertaining. But like you, SMS is greedy – I want the goofy reactions and the three points! Perhaps the stars will be correctly aligned for both! Additionally, I will detail another no-fail idea of how the Revs can bring more fans to Foxboro.

Got a question, comment, or deeply-held grievance? Send an e-mail to Please know that Sunday Morning Striker may, just may, choose your e-mail on a completely arbitrary basis for publishing right here on

2007 FIFA Women’s World Cup Running Diary: US 1, Nigeria 0

September 18, 2007

Waking up at more reasonable 7:30am for this one. Boy, is my awareness and cognizant skills much greater after 7:30am. Anyway, it looks like its another rainy affair in China, as the national anthems are being played. Which begs the question: does it always rain in China when the Swedish aren’t playing?

8:00am – Kickoff. Birds are already awake, the sun’s already up, and I’m munching on perhaps the greatest cereal created: Honey Comb (Now “better tasting!”, according to the label. But it tasted fine before!)

1: Here come the funny musical tones in the background…

1: …and just like that, the USA score! Wow, that didn’t that long. Chalupney crashes the box, nutmegs a defender as she falls slides into the pitch and the ball goes into the goal. Clever, clever.

3: Sheesh, it’s only the 3rd minute and it looks like someone just killed the collective pets of the Nigerian coaches.

6: Shot of Carli Lloyd….I’d like to see her get on the scoresheet this game. She’s too good a player to not score in group play.

7: Nigeria’s already roughing up Abby…what else is new?

8: Highlights show Sweden up top 1-0 over North Korea right now. Wow…that could be an upset. And it’s sunny there…which just serves to fortify my claim that it’s always sunny when Sweden play.

10: It’s safe to say that US is clearly dominating this match

10: Nigeria tries to counter…but no counterattack for you! USA cuts off a quick Nigerian surge just yards after midfield

12: This game is looking a lot like the Brazil-USA game back at Giants Stadium back in June. Early goal, USA domination, imminent that another is on its way..

14: Free kick for Whitehill, initially headed away by Nigeria, and sparks a Nigerian counter before Hope Solo kicks the ball away.

14: Chalupney tackled hard…yellow card for Nigerians.

15: First ‘99 world cup reference by Foudy…that train is never late!

16: Shot of some young USA fans in the stands – hey girls, what the heck are you doing in China at 8:00am? Oh, yeah, you’re watching the WNT. My bad…

17: Update, Sweden still ahead 1-0 on The Deuce (espn2).

18: Lloyd hard tackled before the center circle…you leave her alone, Nigeria!

19: Good looking attack here…Chalupny tackled hard yet again…

20: It’s interesting (to me at least) that despite wearing the gold jerseys for nearly all their pre-WC matches, they have yet to bring ‘em out for the World Cup so far. Maybe waiting ‘til the final?

20: Lilly crosses to Abby, who just glances the ball wide. Thank you, for the verb choice Michael Davies. I also plan on using “pants” sometime soon.

22: Nigerian sub…wow…Nigeria’s really, really lost right now, their in a 4-5-1 to counter the US’s 4-3-3. Don’t they know they need like a gaggle of goals to advance?

23: JP Dellacamera suggests “picture in picture” to watch the USA-Nigeria and Sweden-North Korea simultaneously. Although your offer is a good one JP, my attention is solely focused on the US women.

24: Wow, how does Carli not get a PK for that? She crashed the box with a Nigerian defender tackling her from behind right in the box. Foudy says it’s a good call…free kick from before the box awarded instead. Lilly fires high and over the bar.

26: Highlights…North Korea draws even to Sweden…Argh!!!

26: Throw in for USA…the 4-5-1 is stifling the attack for now. Chalupny hits the deck. She’s getting the brunt of the Nigerian physicality.

27: Carli sets up for the free kick, but plays it short to Lilly. I’d like to see her wind up and fire one of her famous cannonball shots from 25 yards.

29: Just as Nigeria looks like its going to assemble the attack, a heavy pass goes past the touchline.

30: Foudy comments that Abby should not be lurking in the midfield, but rather more up front near the box. I concur.

32: Shot of Hope Solo: just noticed hope wearing the blue keeper jersey now, rather than he traditional green with the Nigerian team wearing their green kits. When I started typing that sentence, I honestly didn’t know why it was blue, but figured it out mid-sentence. I know – brilliant.

33: Nigeria make it interesting with a deep break into the US shot though.

Side note: I was almost stunned to see the WNT gold jerseys at Olympia the other day. They had both white and gold, some blank, some with “Tarpley 5” and “Wambach 20”. Pretty cool to see some retail recognition.

35: Update – North Korea and Sweden still knotted at 1.

35:Though Nigeria is really overmatched on paper compared to the us, they are a fast team. I like how they play.

36: Rain starts to pick up, according to Dellacamera. Shot of Whitehill about to take a throw in backs that claim.

36 whoa…Abby heads the Whitehill throw in , Chalupny heads it goalward, and is just saved by the Nigerian keeper. Good save.

40: USA is back organizing the attack. Chalupney takes it down the left flank, crosses to Lilly – header into the pitch and left of the near post. Good try.

42: Number 2 on Nigeria laces a shot that forces hope to spring from her feet to corral.

43: Beautiful give and go between Lilly and Lloyd. Lilly then crosses to Abby, and heads the ball powerfully on net before Dede makes an acrobatic save just below the bar.

45: Ominous stat of the match – In World Cup play, us is 16-0-1 when leading at the half, while Nigeria is 0-9-1 when trailing.

45: 1 minute of stoppage

46 +: Boxxy manhandled near midfield. She’s ok. Whistle sounds.


46: US kicks off…no changes/subs at halftime

46: Seconds later, Nigeria attacks early…gets into the box. Good defending by Christie Rampone.

48: WhitehIll looooong free kick..and Boxxy wants to bicycle kick it, but half-heartedly tries a scissors.

49: Dangerous free kick from the right flank for us…Lilly taking it and strikes it to the near post before O’Reilly tries to head it in, but no dice.

51: Whoa…number 14 for Nigeria just did a Matrix-like backward bend defending in the midfield. Wow.

52: Abby gets a long ball and shoots wide.

54: Foudy comments on the lack of urgency of the US attack…and I wholeheartedly agree. They’re better than this. Their defense has been great, but their offense is running on regular 87 octane rather than NASCAR-Standard 106 stuff. C’mon ladies!

57: O’Reilly pierces the Nigeria defense…CK coming up on the deflection…and CK parried by Dede.

60: Sweden takes 2-1 lead over North Korea. Wow!!! That could be huge

61: Nigeria really starting to test the US backline. Ladies, you’re better than this.

62: O’Reilly crosses to Abby on the doorstep, but can’t muster enough power to push it past Dede, who’s having an incredible match thus far.

64: Leslie Osborne for Carli…ok move, I guess, though I’d like to see Carli still in the game because of her attacking prowess.

69: Nigeria’s Faith Akidi goes down, she’s in a deal of pain. Hope she’s ok.

72: This game is taking the shape of a back and forth game, with both sides intermittently attacking, but no clear shots.

75: Nigeria attacks…Perpetua Nkwocha takes Whitehill to school on the right wing, before sending a shot just wide of the far post.

76: Lilly takes a free kick just above the D of the box. The ball hovers high above the bar.

77: Tina Ellarton in for Christie Rampone.

80: Nigeria attacking again…holding the ball fairly well, but not really penetrating. Ball goes by the touchline, and now USA takes it back. Heavy passes are killing Nigeria.

82: Chalupny tired to dance into the box, but the ball is stonewalled by Dede.

84: Lindsay Tarpley for Lilly. This is Tarpley’s first World Cup appearance.

85: Dangerous play in front of US goal. A mad scramble takes place on Solo’s doorstep, and luckily, she smothers the ball. US looking sloppy on defense.

87: Hope smothers another low-caliber cross. There’s no way the US should be pinned against the wall this late. Nigeria is attacking almost at will.

88: Chalupney takes a hard shot on Dede, saved as she fell backward. Nigeria quickly clears it away.

90: USA just playing the ball deep in the corner to kill the clock. Foudy commenting on how she doesn’t like this tactic. Nor do I…Wow, did I just agree with Julie Foudy three times this morning? I must really need some coffee!

91+ :USA corner kick. 3 minutes of stoppage time.

91+: Abby down, but thankfully gets back up, but goes back to stalling in the corner. Not a good idea.

94+: Nigeria attacks, Hope pounces on a Nigerian shot. Referee whistles the game over. 1-0 US.

2007 FIFA Women’s World Cup Running Diary: US 2, Sweden, 0

September 14, 2007

Yes, I have returned in full bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for this second early-morning World Cup match with a little more sleep this time around.

But before I get started, I wanted to inform you of a troubling mini-sequence of ominous events that unfolded Monday morning, less than 24 hours before the proceedings in China.

Exhibit A: Only a few short hours before dawn, I was awakened to the sound of something crashing near me in my bedroom. I jumped to see what it was, but due to overall lethargy, I quickly dismissed it and went back to bed.

In the morning, I discovered the mystery: my 2007 US Women’s National Team calendar had fallen to the floor after the nail that supported it failed.

Exhibit B: Minutes after replacing the nail and putting the calendar back up, I was sitting at the computer, munching away at my Honey Nut Cheerios. Then, I heard muffled gagging about ten yards behind me. What was it?

It was my cat, Penelope, coughing up a hairball…on my laptop. The same laptop I would use to diary the WNT match the next morning.

So there’s the background of a little sinking feeling I had prior to Tuesday’s match.


3rd minute: Sweden attacking early. Three corner kicks in three minutes for Sweden already. At this rate, they will record an astonishing 90+ corner kicks, which would probably be some sort of World Cup (Men’s or Women’s) record. The US is already being outplayed, to say the least.

Side note 1: Lineup changes from last game – Tarpley for O’Reilly, and Osborne for Boxx. Also a different formation. Today it’s a 4-3-3 rather than a 3-4-3. Oh, and it’s not pouring outside this time.

Side note 2: Eyes don’t sting as much, although it is 5:01am ET and I am wearing a women’s jersey….a Carli Lloyd US Women’s National Team jersey! Make a long-storu short from my previous diary, the online storefront that botched my order apparently got it right, and the jersey arrived late-Tuesday. This is a good omen.

4th minute: Fourth corner for Sweden already. C’mon (U.S.) Ladies!

6th minute: Sweden is playing a 4-4-2. It should also be noted that they are a cuter team than North Korea – which may play to our advantage.

6th Minute: “Jingle bells” melody being overheard in the background? What? It’s not Christmas yet!

7th Minute: US threatens when my jersey’s namesake – Carli Lloyd – flicks a shot on the doorstep of the goal and takes out Swedish keeper Hedvig Lindhal. Carli – you’re my girl!

6:08am ET: Still dark outside. No oatmeal this time for yours truly. In order to avoid any sort of jinx from last match, I’m going with Apple Crunchies, the generic brand of Apple Jacks that can be found at Target for $1.67 a box.

10th minute: Julie Foudy states that US playing very vertical (aka Route 1 ball). I concur

12TH minute: Stat box indicates that the US has never had 2-game winless streak in World Cup play. Almost on cue, the US pressures, but no shots unleashed. Now the banter begins of the US not advancing past group play…wow, this is new.

13Th minute: Christie Rampone snuffs out a quick Swedish attack. She’s quietly having a very good World Cup.

14th minute: Shot of Hope Solo just about to clear out the ball. Nice shot of Solo, who, as previously mentioned, is a cutie.

15th minute: Free kick awarded for US from 10 yards before the box. Good chance here. The US is deadly on free kicks. Lloyd blasts a shot through off the wall that deflects through, but is ultimately corralled by Lindhal.

16th minute: Swedish applying heavy pressure, keeping Stephanie Lopez and Co. on their heels. Another corner for Sweden…Abby heads out the clearance. FEWF! This is not the US Team that I know.

Side note: My sleeping patterns this week are taking an absolute beating. My poor stinging eyes!

19th minute: Although the possession line favors USA 51-49%, the stat is misleading: Sweden’s possessions are deep in the US end.

20th minute: Cat Whitehill’s free kick from deep almost catches Lindhal ff-guard before the ball’s punched out of the box. Close!

21st minute: Left-footed laser from Kristie Lilly, and finally, some prolonged pressure on the Sweden back line. Now this is the US team I know of!

23rd minute: US finally plays a corner short, something that they’ve been good at. Though the ensuing shot goes high and wide, it’s encouraging to see the attempt even made. Julie Foudy agrees that this was a good idea. See – I can be soccer savvy too!

24th minute: Greg Ryan seen applauding his team, shouting encouragement. Bobby Knight he is not, thank God.

25th minute: Shot of Carli trotting back on defense. She needs to be a factor in this game, with her deadly “lasers” from deep.

Side note: THUMP! Newspaper cleared for landing on my front porch. Actually startled me a bit after being engrossed in the game…and the fact that everyone’s still asleep and I’m the only soul awake at the moment in my house. (5:26am ET)

26th minute: Rampone’s motor is definitely clicking on all cylinders, relentless chasing down her mark. Good job Christie!

27th minute: Leslie Osborne almost single-handedly snuffs out a threatening Swedish attack.

29th minute: Wooosh!!!! Chalupney with a rocket! Stopped, but a ROCKET! Not overweight Fat Billy of the New York Yankees, but a ROCKET!

29th minute: Wow, the rabbit-quick Victoria Svensson shot flies just over the bar. Man, it can turn just like that.

Side note: ESPN Bottom line indicates that USC is still ranked number 1. Yeah, that’s right. Contrary to popular belief amongst my friends, I am not a fan of ‘SC just because of their nickname. (Go Trojans – FIGHT ON)

30th minute: Whoa…Foudy almost made a ’99 reference when she said that this team isn’t as possession oriented as teams in the past. Close, Jules, close. I know you wanted to say “as possession-oriented the ‘99 team.” Almost caught ya there.

32nd minute: Swedish free kick from 12 yards before box…dangerous play here…5-player wall. Svenson takes the kick…and it’s high and wide. JP should call every soccer game. He should clone himself and have his spawn do every soccer game ever played by every US-based club. Except the Revolution. I like Brad and Greg, but then again, I’m biased.

33rd minute: Ohhhhhh…Chalupny pounces on a ball misjudged by Lindhal and falls to the ground courtesy of #4 in the Swedish area. PK…PK????? PK!!!! PK!!! YES!!! Woooo-Hooo!!!!

34th minute: PK by Abby…lines it up…whistle…and sends Lindhal the wrong way!!!! YESSSS!!!! Abby’s shot is somewhat badly-struck, but effective nonetheless. 1-0 USA. (5:34AM ET)

Side note: I’m crazy for waking this early and dairying a sports event at 5am on a workday. I won’t dispute this now, but may do so later in the day when after the effects of my fifth coffee of the morning finally wears off.

37th minute: Lindhal tested yet again, with Abby bearing down on a ball en route to the box.

39th minute: Lloyd winds up a shot that deflects off of Lilly that brings Lundhal to her side to stop the wayward ball.

Commentary: Game is clearly not even close to the game played against North Korea. US is really beginning to establish the attack, and finally putting its opponents on their heels.

43rd minute: US starting to dominate possession.

Stat line: Possession now 54%-US, 46% Sweden.

Side note: It’s 6:45am ET – I’m debating whether to hit the gym or to go back to bed before I have to be at work at 8:30pm. I think bed is sounding a lot better at this point.

45th minute: One minute of stoppage added. US playing the ball well. Bodes well for the second half (I’m not trying to jinx the US women, I swear!)

HALFTIME! Times to see what’s in the cereal cabinet. And visit the restroom.

Side note: Back, after letting the cat in, and munching on Apple Crunchies.

46th minute: 6:02am ET. C’mon ladies…44 minutes from three points…

Stat line: The US is 15-0-1 when leading at the half during World Cup play. Another good omen?

49th minute: Lilly makes a nice run to the post and chips the ball just wide. US looking much better this game than they did last match. They are out shooting Sweden 10-4.

Side note: 6:07am ET. Sun starting to up, as daybreak begins to cast shadows in the dining room

52nd minute: The tempo begins to slow. Free kick for Sweden…and the US clears the ball. Crap! Forgot to start re-recording for the second half! Damn!

56th minute: Another free kick for Sweden about 12 yards from the box. Sweden has players line up and Sjorgan takes the kick…and is snatched by Hope Solo.

57th minute: Ensuing Swedish corner, ball loops toward the far post as Hope snatches the header off of Segerstrong.

58th minute: OH!!! Abby races into the box, one touch, and blasts it into the back of the NET!!!! JUST LIKE THAT! WOOO-NICE!!! 2-0, US. Beautiful goal, Abby!

60th minute: US pressuring the Swedish backs again, corner from Lopez coming up.

61ST minute: Lopez’s corner goes into the heart of the box, but Abby just misses in search of her third goal of the match.

63rd minute: Lilly plays the ball from the left wing and sends sharply it to Tarpley. Tarpley then takes an acute-angled shot that sails wide of the far post. US is definitely playing with much more confidence than on Tuesday, but I’m wary of the oh-so-feared two-goal lead.

67th minute: Subs…Heather O’Reilly for Tarpley at 6:23am ET.

68th minute: First reference by Jules to the ‘99 team. I knew I could count on ya, Jules!

70th minute: Lindhal makes an awkward punch at a high ball that takes a weird deflection. Yawwwwn! Boy, do I need a coffee if I’m going to the gym after this. Probability of heading to the gym after this: almost zero. My eyes are stinging almost as much as they were during the MTV Music Video Awards opening act.

74th minute: Sweden pressuring before hope snatches the ball. Less face time for Hope. I suppose that’s good for US, but bad for my throbbing eyes. She has become my second favorite US WNT player.

76th minute: Sweden really lacking a sense of urgency to get a goal. Don’t they know that they’re down 0-2?

77: Swedish free kick flirts with the far post, but goes wide past a gaggle of players.

79: Svenson left foots a shot that is left-pawed by Hope as the ball skips off the bar right after. Sweden is really starting to attack late.

82nd minute: Sweden attacking again, though merely launching the ball into the US end without any type of organization.

83rd minute: Oooooooh Lundin beats Whitehill I nthe box before Lopez comes into clear the ball away…fewf…

85TH minute: Lilly takes a corner. Ball bounces back out…another corner for US. US, of course, taking their sweet time on these set pieces.

86th minute: Lopez corner taken, rebound comes close to goal, but temporarily cleared away. US comes right back when O’Reilly fires a shot on goal.

88th minute: Two minutes until three points. This game is much MUCH less dramatic than North Korea – which is FINE by me. I won’t complain about two-goal lead.

89th minute: Hope smothers a dangerous ball a few yards from her line. Lands on her shoulder, to which Foudy and Dellacamera are both hinting may be injured. Man, I HOPE not. Not Hope. She’s too good. Ugh, it’s still early for that one…coffee?

90th minute: Three minutes of stoppage added. Yeah, I’m definitely not going to the gym after this. My bed is calling me.

93+ minute: US now toying with Sweden, just passing the ball amongst each other. Sweden can’t assemble an attack. Solo picks up a bouncing ball, launches it, and the final whistle blows at 6:51am ET. I’m not sticking around for the post-match stuff -my eyes feel like someone doused them with V8.

2-0 US…WOOOO–HOOOO….A win for our women, and it’s back to bed for me. I have work in an hour and a half. The gym can definitely wait.

Undefeated Wheaton pummels RIC Anchorwomen, 5-0

September 14, 2007

The Rhode Island College Anchorwomen were outshot 27-8 and simply outplayed by an imposing Wheaton College squad that scored five goals against them, as the home side lost 5-0 Thursday evening.

The Lyons came into Providence boasting an undefeated record (4-0-1), while the Anchorwomen attempted to earn their second win of the season after a tough loss to Clark University the prior weekend.

Right off the bat, the Lyons attacked often and early, and soon took the lead when Melida Alvarez scored in the 11th minute when she put the ball into the top corner of the net for the one-goal advantage.

RIC tried to keep it to a one-goal deficit while they attempted to find the equalizer, but the Anchorwomen were simply overwhelmed by the potent Wheaton attack that kept RIC keeper Krissi Pyzynski busy.

Near the half hour mark, Lyndsey McManus swept a free kick from 35 yards that connected with the boot of Jenna Rabeda as the ball flew into the back of the net for the two-goal Lyon lead.

With less than four minutes left in the half, the Lyons pounced again when Rabesa and Katie Watson collaborated on the design of an Emily Hough goal in the 42nd minute.

Down three goals entering the second half, the Anchorwomen tried to crack the scoreboard with a goal of their own, but were often too busy defending to mount any sort of lengthy attack. Barrie Lynsday took advantage of a tired defending corps and scored at the hour mark.

Though their efforts never subsided, RIC tried desperately to crack the egg residing under the “Home” label on the scoreboard with a couple of quick counterattacks late.

But Wheaton caught the Anchorwomen flat-footed deep in home end in the 82nd minute when Bailey Edwards floated a close-range shot amid a gaggle of players to give the Lyons the convincing five-goal win over the Anchorwomen.

House of Soccer Woman of the Match: Emily Hough (Wheaton), who came on as a substitute to score a goal and chalk up an assist.

2007 FIFA Women’s World Cup Running Diary: US 2, North Korea 2

September 11, 2007

Welcome to my not-so-live Women’s World Cup blog. Ok, so let’s call it a diary instead. Here I will chronicle to the best of my abilities the US Women’s National Team’s journey in China to capture their third World Cup…from my living room couch. Anyway, here go…

Barely slept last night, and tried to figure out why. After all, I took sedatives to quell my excitement for this match, and also to get enough sleep to wake up at 5:00am. I figured out the culprit: my contacts were left in. ARGH!

Anyway, I “woke up” (technical term)/got out of bed (reality) at 5:05am ET. I’ve got a bowl of uncooked oatmeal waiting in the kitchen, but can’t cook it now because my stinging eyes are fixated on the tube.

First Mia Hamm reference by Julie Foudy at the 14:55 mark in the game. Actually, I probably missed the first at the top of the hour. I’m sure of this.

Foudy, 16th minute: “She (Kristine Lilly) was detained by North Korea.” What? Isn’t it too early in the day for political connotations? I know it’s 5pm in China, but Julie, my poli sci mind wasn’t prepared for that one. Yaaaaawn!

5:20am ET: I’m just trying to catch up a bit here. My mind is definitely not processing at its optimal speed at the moment.

The game’s surprisingly still dead even at 0-0 at the 18th minute mark. I guess the mystery surrounding North Korea is living up to its billing. The US usually figures out their opponents quite quickly. Kudos to Graham Hayes (who actually reported on this very topic) on his fantastic WNT reports on

Side note: I’d be wearing my Carli Lloyd white WC jersey right now, but the online store I purchased it from sent it to me marked up. I asked for a direct exchange, and instead, they refunded me minus shipping. I knew after that, I wouldn’t get it back in time for the WC. Imbeciles.

O’Reilly nice shot to fight off defender and fires a sharp angled shot in 19th minute. Unfortunately, it was batted away.

Foudy impressed with North Korea at the 20th minute.

Yay! First Carli Lloyd sighting in the 21st minute as she was unceremoniously fouled near the halfway line.

Sun Hui Ho now coming out in 22nd minute after being injured minutes previous.

Wow, that rain is really coming down, and it nearly played to US advantage with Cat Whitehill’s free kick nearly finding the back of the net in the 22nd minute. The ball is really skipping off the wet surface a lot.

25th minute: Foudy and Dellacamera discussing that Hope Solo was a forward in high school, which is why she’s so good with the ball at her feet. I didn’t know that! (Big surprise, I know)

26th minute: Un Suk Ri takes a very, very threatening shot that skips just wide of a diving Solo. In a related note, my heart skips as well before shot rests outside of the net.

Another threatening free kick in the 28th by the WNT. Corner kick by Lopez marinates in the box for bit, but does not find the back of the net.

Oooooohhhh….29th minute, Solo dropped the ball after an initial quick save…this rain is really causing havoc on both keepers in this match.

Non-soccer related side note: Looking at my fantasy football statline on the espn2 bottom line. McGahee and Gore did not do well enough for me to win in either one of my leagues…grrrrr….anyway, back to football football.

32nd Minute: WNT still searching for a prolonged attack after just a few cameos in the North Korean end. It won’t be long before they get through though.

35th minute: A little bit of banter between Foudy and Dellacemera talking about WNT’s draw in the Group of Death. Though the US is ranked #1, Sweden is #3, North Korea is #5, and Nigeria is #23. Perhaps death to a lesser side…but not the U.S..

Nice sequence in 37th after Lilly tries to push the ball past the North Korean keeper after shaking a defender.

By the 39th minute, Solo is really being tested with another NK shot that sailed just wide of goal again.

41st minute: Chalupny threatens deep in NK end, setting up a Lopez corner kick and….OH MAN! Off the bar!!! Abby Wambach powerfully heads ball after outjumping two red defenders. Shot clanks right off of the bar and straight back down, mere inches from the goal line. Sooo close! Hands cradling the back of the head….

Tactics note: I’m kinda surprised that after a few unsuccessful corners, the US doesn’t mix it up and play it short for once. They were so good at that during the send off series this summer that I’m at a loss as to why they won’t try it now.

North Korea is really, really giving the US run for its money. They’re beginning to really pressure again in the waning minutes of the half. And boy do I need a coffee right now…but I must return to my slumber after the match is over in order to compensate for the sleep deprivation hours before the match.

Rain is really starting to drench the field, players, fans, and Greg Ryan (quick shot of a drenched US WNT manager).

Christie Rampone yellow carded in the 45th minute for late tackle near midfield.

Two minutes of stoppage.

I’m still tethered to the laptop right…just about to heat up the oatmeal momentarily. Still kinda dark outside at 5:46am ET.

And at 5:47am, whistle blows at first half. Time to cook the oatmeal and use the bathroom. Coming up: Halftime report with Rob Stone and Heather Mitts.

Weather conditions favor US? According to Heather Mitts, this is the case. After a quick three sequence bit about the game, a quick piece about JaMarcus Russel signing with theRaiders, thus concludes the quickest halftime report ever. Guess there isn’t much doing at 5:49am ET.

Random observation: With the sun yet to come up and the house perfectly quiet except for the TV and my incessant tapping of the keys, it feels alot like Christmas morning, when my brother and I used to wake up before the sun to open up the presents under the tree. A good omen for the US? I hope so….

Second half starts, and the it’s starting to get light out at 6:04pm.US pressuring early on.

Side note: Nice shot of Kristine Lilly’s husband, Dave, in the stands, sporting a cool US Hockey jersey with her wife’s name, number, and captain’s “C” . Nice idea for the male US WNT fan. (Note to self: check eBay for USA hockey jerseys and follow suit with a Carli Lloyd #11 model.)

Speaking Lil’, 49th minute, Lilly launches a long-distance shot right on the NK keeper.

6:08am ET, 50th minute: YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Abby takes the ball and fires a close range shot that through the keeper and into the net!!!!! Ands just as I was about to complain that Solo is getting way too much face time because of the continued North Korean pressure. (Actually, I can’t really complain about Solo’s face time…she is a cutie.)

The US is 48-1-1 when Abby scores. Another good omen?

53rd minute: Dangerous free kick for Lilly from above the “D” near the box. Argh…the shot rockets just wide of the far post.

US is really beginning to look like the US of old, and is establishing the attack in the 53rd.

55th minute: Oooo-oh-oh-oh-oh-OH……Solo harnesses a menacing ball close to the goalmouth. Abby goes down during the sequence, and is bleeding pretty bad from the forehead. Oh no….doesn’t look good.

57th minute: Shot of Lilly gathering the troops, trying to keep the team focused while Abby’s taken care of.

58th minute: Abby out for now, and the US is down to ten players at the moment.

Seconds later: Oh crap – North Korea immediately takes advantage, as Son Hui Kil fires a rocket right above Solo that slips right through here padded fingers. She wanted that one back even before the ball thuds to the ground behind her. Dammit Dammit!

61st minute: US is really playing back on their heels in Wambach’s absence. It’s quite a tall order without their potent goalscorer.

62nd minute: North Korea is buzzing around the box when Yong Ae Kim takes a deflection off a US defender and chips the ball past Solo. 2-1 NK. Oh boy…(pulls hair and shakes head in disbelief). C’mon Abby, we need you back!

64th minute: NK is really ruling the proceedings. Abby thankfully comes back. Hopefully, she can be effective after sustaining the head injury.

65th: Chalupny takes a speculative shot that sails high off a throw in.

67th: US reorganizes the attack, and earns the corner. Play it short, play it short! Instead, the kick curls into the grasp of the NK keeper. Ugh….I’m starting to get that sinking feeling.

6:26AM ET: Chalupney spearheads the attack in the 69th minute and disperses the ball to Lilly and the pass deflects off of NK defender, and right to Heather O’Reilly and BANGS IT into the top corner of the net….YESSSSSS!!!!!! 2-2!!!

71st minute: Foudy states that the US needs a point off this game. No thanks, Julie – I’d personally like three!!!! After all, there’s still 19 minutes left! Have some faith! (Note: said faith was slowly waning after NK’s 2nd goal. I’m a Red Sox fan, that’s all I can say.)

73rd minute: Whitehill is racing around like a Ferrari in the midfield. Her engine is def firing on all cylinders.

74th minute: NK starting to organize an attack of their own. C’mon ladies – keep the defense tight! Ball meanders in the US zone before a skipping shot finds Solo, who adeptly corrals the ball to finish the NK attack.

6:34am ET: 13 minutes to go in regulation. Man, what a match. A lot more entertaining than last year’s Men’s World Cup, save for the US-Italy match.

Side note: Greg Ryan’s voice is clearly audible on the sidelines, as he barks instructions to his side in the 78th minute. Fire ‘em up Greg!

80th minute: NK spearheads another attack, and it fizzles out soon thereafter when the ball trickles past the goal line.

83rd minute: US looking to attack. I’ve never realize what a security blanket Lilly can be, as I start to think “just give it to Lilly, she’ll take care of it.”

88th minute, NK looking for a go-ahead, US fails to clear the ball, and now, the US is back playing on its heels. C’mon Ladies!!! To borrow a phrase – “COWBOY UP!”

US counters in the 89th…and the ball goes right back NK soon after. Drama level = high. Oh how wish it were a 5-2 US bore so I hit the hay with the nerves calmed.

Four minutes of stoppage time awarded. Let’s go Ladies!

92+ minute: Whitehill free kick to Wambach, who directs the ball just wide of the far post. And now, Ryan goes with Natasha Kai in an effort to rejuvenate the attack.

OOOOOOOOOOOOH!! My hands are shaking! 93+ Solo SAVES two consecutive shots (and pretty much the game) to keep the score even at two apiece. Yikes. NK is potent, and luckily, the US has a world-class keeper.

At 6:53am ET, the whistle blows on the match. 2-2 draw. Oh man…that’s it. Well played, well played by both teams. NK showed up with all of its horses, keeping the US at bay for much of the match.

6:55am ET: Back to bed for me…without the contacts this time around. A stretch and yawn for me, and I’m headed back upstairs.