An Open Letter to the Rhode Island College women’s soccer team

Dear Rhode Island College ANCHORWOMEN,

First and foremost, let me congratulate you on an incredible season. Although the standings fail to accurately reflect the hard work that went into it, allow me to convey my sincerest wishes to you all – especially the seniors.

I watched you play throughout the season, and can accurately affirm that this team was one of the best I’ve ever seen, in any sport, period. You played like champions from start to finish, and undoubtedly made your parents and coaches proud throughout.

On November 1, 2007, I witnessed what this team was truly made of. With the odds stacked against you, your resolve shined through. You battled, fought, and played a tremendous match against WestConn. You held the lead late into the second half; a lead that was undone by, in a very diplomatic term, a “questionable call” that upstaged a superb performance.

But you didn’t quit – going into the first overtime, you courageously battled, well aware that the match should have ended in your favor only minutes ago. Despite your best efforts, harsh reality cast its ugly shadow in the second overtime – an unfitting end for such a valiant display of teamwork and tenacity.

Nevertheless, what I saw was the remarkable spirit of this team in the face of adversity, and contrary to the scoresheet, you overcame it. You persevered. One questionable call can never diminish what you have accomplished. You left nothing on the pitch. You played your guts out. On Thursday night, you were the better team.

You deserved much better than what transpired. Be proud in knowing that in the face of adversity, you didn’t flinch one bit. You deserved the win in every sense of the word.

That being said, I can wholeheartedly say that there have been few times when I’ve been as proud to be a RIC alumnus as I was on Thursday night. Take heart in knowing that nothing could ever undo your amazing efforts on Thursday night, and on the season as a whole.

I wish all of you the best of luck, and I look forward to Anchorwomen soccer in ’08!


Brian O’Connell
RIC ’04

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