Anchorwomen thrash JWU Wildcats, 4-1

The Rhode Island College Anchorwomen took an early lead against the Johnson and Wales University Wildcats and never looked back, beating their intra-city rivals 4-1 at RIC Soccer Field under pleasantly sunny skies Tuesday afternoon.

The opening salvo was engineered in the 11th minute when Kerry Donahue, playing up front rather than her typical defender role, took a bouncing ball in the box and fired a high, close-range shot clanked the bar and into the net, giving the Anchorwomen the early one-goal lead.

Though RIC had dominated much of the match in the first half, the Wildcats took advantage of a brief defensive hiccup and organized a quick counterattack in the 42nd minute. Freshman Jen Hurley and Colleen Marasco gatecrashed the RIC box with only one defender to beat before Marasco chipped the shot past keeper Krissie Pyrzynski for the equalizer.

Undaunted, the Anchorwomen immediately reclaimed the lead less than a minute later when Kristina Haughey took a beautiful feed from Rebecca Corregan and fired a shot past a helpless Kate Nast for the 2-1 lead before halftime.

The home side continued their domination in the second half, and seemingly inhabited the Wildcat end ad infinitum. However, it wasn’t until the 73rd minute that their efforts were reaped when Christina Tavana netted RIC’s third goal of the match.

With the match already in their back pocket, the Anchorwomen tallied one more score in the final minute of play when substitute Gina Calenda pushed the ball forward and deposited it into the back of the net, giving the Maroon and Gold their eventual 4-1 victory over JWU.

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