Friday Rant

*Thank God it’s Friday, and with it, the starting point for many collegiate soccer seasons. After a what’s sure to be a highly-charged fantasy football draft early this afternoon, yours truly will be returning to the alma mater – Rhode Island College – to catch a glimpse of the women’s RIC -St. John Fisher College 4:00pm match. I haven’t seen a college soccer game in God knows how long, so it may take awhile to get used to the clock and different rules. But hey, soccer’s soccer, right?

*News of David Beckham’s latest injury – an MCL sprain suffered verus Pachuca during SuperLiga Final – will certainly have some fans in MLS cities grumbling, as the recovery time for this injury is estimated at six weeks. More importantly, however, the fans of LA should be mad as well. Not for Becks’ injury, but because their schedule is backloaded with road games. The intent behind this scheduling debacle was due to Becks arrival of course, but with the club already apparently mailing it in for the rest of the season, you’ve got to feel especially for Cobi Jones. Poor Cobi, for it’s been a lost season record-wise, and now it appears that his club will stumble to the finish line without the hope of a playoff appearance. It’s become a sad epilogue for one of the country’s greatest soccer players.

*Speaking of the Gals, rumors are wildly buzzing that Jurgen Klinsmann, former Germany manager and recent US Men’s National Team managerial candidate, may take the reigns on Rodeo Drive. The former German striker resides in California with his American wife, and would seem to be an ideal candidate to make this generation’s New York Cosmos a winner in 2008. Of course, should Klinsmann accept the job – under the supposition that Yallop is either fired, or resigns, naturally – does his name begin to float around yet again for the US MNT job? Hmmm….

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